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  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReadera year ago

    Oh here it is, the rageee

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReadera year ago

    Waohh! My first English written cultivation novel (that's not translated). Thanks for the info dumping everything we need to know in this chapter. Side note, I like how the countries/cutivation stages/ beast stages are all so easy to remember!

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReadera year ago

    I did a double take when I saw dark green long hair hahaha

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReadera year ago

    A SUPERB quality read! Excellent world building, plot and character development. Like the authors other novels, it’s one of the most unique cultivation novels I’ve ever read! The MC isn’t even like the typical MC. She’s a cheat, super OP and she does nothing with it unless necessary. The ML’s presence revolves around the MC and is almost nonexistent. He and the MC’s presence are on the same level. I’d say the third person in their trio has the most presence. The money maker and “Father” of the group. He has the most lines and solves most of their problems. Without him, the other two would be forced to live in the jungle and live off the ingredients there because they be too broke to buy anything. Together, they are a nonsensical group who OP their way through realms and cheat money left and right! Though I feel that the novel could have ended quite early on, overall it’s really really really an excellent read!

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReadera year ago

    This was really really good! Readers of “Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again“ would enjoy this immensely! It’s the same type of FL, the Mary Sue know everything/ is good at everything type (though I think that the reason for it is very very logical which is hard to find in a lot of Mary Sue novels) but is emotionally unintelligent because she’s a robotic researcher type! She’s so frank and innocent, it’s adorable! The ML isn’t the typical cold type. I think he gives out shameless puppy vibes. And the fact that he’s set up as a dandy instead of a cold CEO heir type is quite refreshing too! Unlike the Sockpuppet novel, this has a much better and interesting plot flow. Reading the thousands of chapters, there was not a single bit of boring moment. There were decently placed time skips, the romance was pure gold and the face slapping was QUALITY! Can’t say that the antagonists are the best but meh, you win some and you lose some! I also felt that the “unforgiving” the family part was taken a little too far but who am I to say since I am not involved in the situation. Overall, highly recommended! It really deserves its rating!

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReader2 years ago
    Replied to HooliganReader

    Also there are some missing chapter, so go ahead to look up the raws if chapters don’ t add up.

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReader2 years ago
    Replied to HooliganReader

    Updated review I am back after the completion of this novel and I must admit it isn’t as bad as my initial first impression. I’m not saying what I initial reviewed wasn’t true, it’s just that the author managed to vastly improve in the later chapters (you’ll probably start realising it in the mid to late 200 chapters). It became like every other Mary Sue novels that I enjoyed. Based on my past review, this is my update on how the author resolved the crappiness: 1 / 2. Illogical Mary Sue-ness and unexplained backstory: wells towards the middle, the author does try to explain where she got her skills and knowledge from which resulted in her being set as a character with infinite part time jobs and someone who has access to numerous masters in their crafts. Though it’s not the most logical, at least that something to work with and beats the assassin/doctor/poison master combo hehehe. 3. Forced awkward banter between characters: The banter is GREATLY reduced! Like even if the author added the banter, it’s much shorter and not as stiff. So kudos to the author for the major improvement. 4. The romance is SHIT: Wells for this, I really can’t comment much on it. I think for all Mary Sue novels, the romance tends to be low-key crappy. Usually with the stiff cold guy doing stuff in the the background and the female lead shinning and faceslapping everyone. For this, at least the male lead has some sort of a personality and is not only cold and stiff so that’s great. He’s the type that can throw his image down for the female lead and is a total wife/ daughter slave . After the initial ekky-ness of his pursuit of the female lead is gone, it’s just those nonsense fluff and couple banter (which I personally don’t really enjoy that much anyways so it was ok). 5. The antagonists are SHIT: The brain dead sluts have been GREATLY reduced. Towards the later chapters, you’ll only see less than 3 or so for the few hundred chapters which is great! But then we have obnoxious egoistic politicians next, but it’s still acceptable because honestly I understand where they come from. And logically their decisions aren’t very hard to understand and they actually do have the people in mind in the initial decision making and they have to make the decision between a rock and a hard place (it’s like saving 1 person vs saving 1000 people thing, which is morally right?) however because it’s a Mary Sue novel, later on, the follow up decisions become crazier and crazier and so you’ll have a country building novel on your hand! Besides local politicians, you’ll also have egoistic foreign politicians. This one… the author just writes them as morally kidnapping greedy beasts soooo 6. The interstellar era is so backwards and the people are dumb: The author does try to explain why the medical technology isn’t up to par and it’s something about them not consuming actual food blablabla and some gene technology. The explanation was quite decent too. As for the dumb interstellar people, hmm… besides the dumb antagonists, there’s an addition of the dumb netizens . Like I get that the main characters are your much loved idols but….their response to the “greater benefit” is really lacklustre. I don’t know how to explain it but the common peoples views are just majorityly one sided and very very very bias towards the main couple (I don’t understand how they aren’t angry or hate the couple after what they have done ahem they incited civil war) but it’s a totally acceptable occurrence. 7. Ingredient plot hole: nothing to add to this. The phase of how hard it is to process the materials and all has passed. Also the female lead managed to find a way to detox the materials but it was never rally said how the other country who supplied it got to benefit. Just sayin… Overall, the plot progress was great. There were really many interesting plot developments which weren’t too abrupt and randomly added. It’s quite a fresh read. Think every other decent/ good Mary Sue novel but with a new background and unique-ish plot. I thought it would end round 400 chapters in and I was pleasantly surprised that it was going on for 700 chapters. There were quite a few time skips which I enjoyed too and everything was wrapped up nicely. There still are some criticisms I have though. For example, I don’t like how the author made the children twins yet completely neglected the male baby. Like the little girl is so sweet so kind so amazing and her future husband is a cold decisive wife slave but what about her brother. It was not mentioned whatsoever. It’s just that we know that he’s a little playful that’s all. It feels like the only reason the author added the little boy is so that she can show of the male and female lead’s awesomeness that they can produce two babies at once. Also, I didn’t expect that the story was just gonna end like that but I did enjoy the last part of the female lead’s biography and history though. Overall, recommend if you enjoy food novels, Mary Sue protagonist, wife slave male leads, country building, some bits of entertainment circle plot developments, military and political stuff, cute babies and pets, but only if you can hold on reading a crappy novel for 200 chapters. If you can do so, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by this novel.

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReader2 years ago
    Replied to DaoistgARNg1

    I’m sorry, but hello! Are we even reading the same book? Do you need some novel recs?

  • HooliganReader
    HooliganReader2 years ago

    I’m currently at chapter 153 and I have to say, what you expected at the beginning is what you get. And in case y’all haven’t experienced the beginning, all I can say that it’s CRAP. Though the story does improve a little further in, it still isn’t a very good read. The crappiness in the beginning is the MC being so naive and impulsive when some random dude egged her on, she just took a bet without knowing what she was getting into which erked almost every reader of the novel. I think from then on the preconceived judgement has been formed and so the critical side of me has been unleashed! The crappiness later on is as follows: 1. The Mary Sue-ness of the story. I’ve always been all for Mary Sues (I don’t really like it when my MC isn’t OP, so that’s saying something) but this MC, sigh I don’t even know what to say. She is simply lucky in every way and just randomly knows how to cook stuff (which leads to the next point). Her unfounded golden fingers/ abilities is what makes the Mary Sue-ness so unpleasant. It’s illogical and random. Her character is low-key white lotus-ey too. Everyone (who hold some semblance of power, mostly male) who sees her sees that she somewhat “different” and finds her “interesting” and I mean EVERYONE and the most ridiculous part is, even what she does is normal and seems like nothing much, they be like ooo my interest is piqued! BLUGGGEEHH! It’s because every other person you’ve met have brain holes!. It feels like a 13 year old writing a Wattpad story here URGHHHHH 2. There is no proper character build up and clear backstory. Most of the cultivation Mary Sue novels have some backstory where she’s an assassin/ doctor/ poison master/ special forces commander or for those interstellar/ modern day ones where the MC is probably a Film Empress or world renowned chef or something. But based on what I understand from the backstory (as of Chapter 153), she is either in her late teens or early to mid twenties in her previous world and her occupation is an orphan. That’s all we know about her. Which is so stupid because for some odd reason she knows how to cook all kinds of nonsense. Wells at least we have a reason for her childish temperament and kiddy retorts 3. The banters between characters are so stiff that it feels forced. What’s there to add. Whether it’s between “brothers”, between owner and pet or between leader and subordinate their interactions are so unnecessary and try hard at being funny/ witty. Think scripted interactions between two hosts. Also, the MC and side characters feel touched at the most ridiculously normal actions. BRAIN HOLES. 4. The romance is SHIT. I get that love at first sight is a thing for Mary Sue novels but this…he fell in love with her because he saw a calm light in her eyes when she was held hostage… the fudgeeeee? Then he became obsessed it was like he was possessed. The worst part is, he knows she’s a minor (I think by our age range she’s like 8 years old and he’s like 21 but at the same time since she’s “developed” it’s a grey area) and he’s super lustful and forceful towards her. At least she’s reacting in a normal way. I mean I’m usually ok with age gap (the not legal kind) and forced romance but I need a little something to work with a least. This….sigh 5. The antagonists are SHIT. They are (mostly) drop dead gorgeous sluts who are arrogant, entitled, self absorbed and lustful. I’m not dissing them, this is exactly how the author wrote them. They for some odd reason took a look at the MC and decided that she ain’t shit and needs to be put in her place. They’ll try to entice any handsome men around her and are faceslapped in a ridiculous way after they have lost in a childish banter with the MC. Absolutely RIDICULOUS! 6. The interstellar era is so backwards and the people are ridiculously dumb. Sigh, with their ridiculously futuristic technology, they couldn’t figure out the cause of gout? They can compress the necessary nutrients into a capsule but they can’t add some iodine in it?? As for the dumbness of the people Exhibit A: when cameras were rolling, these FAMOUS (like super duper famous) female celebrities can’t even pretend and just have bij fights and showed their ugly sides on camera. Like…? SIGH. EVERY one of the bij antagonist is just for the author to contrast how pure and elegant and cute (honestly can one even be elegant and cute at the same time) the MC is. BLUEGH! 7. Ingredients plot holes. The author even needed to find oil and salt for the MC. How the hell did sugar come about? Side note who the hell knows how to manually process oil? Apparently this MC with no background whatsoever. There are too many bad stuff about this novel I don’t even know why I’m continuing on. But on a positive note, the concept of the story is very very interesting and the overall flow of the story is quite decent. It’s just the characters, the romance, the interactions, the brain holes….S-FUDGING-IGH