
Review Detail of HooliganReader in Strong Female Side Character Awakens

Review detail


If you're expecting a faceslapping novel where the FL destroyes the original book heroine in like the first arc or something, counterattacks all the haters and proceeds to dominate the world and be a winner in life, you will be sorely dissapointed. This novel is literally about a girl living her life tryna avoid the original heroine but the cockroach-like-heroine just can't leave her be and keeps pestering her then playing the victim. Like hot damn that heroine is annoying. Add a large handful relationship development (this is one of those novels that actually carried out relationship development) and another cup of lovey dovey dog food, you'll have this novel. The story flow is actually pretty good and the writing and translation is decent too. The plot twist and the ending was my cup of tea, definitely 💯💯. However, the fact that the story revolved around the original heroine was too annoying for me. I understand that it's literally where this story comes from but URGH it got tiring real fast. Like the author could have just shorten the story to achieve the same goal but she dragged it on. Maybe it was because I was expecting it to flow in a different way (aka counterattacking everywhere and a winning in life plot type) which made the story increasingly hard to read. But I think if you went in with a different expectation, this story would have been a really good read. Overall, if you wanna try this novel, give it a go. It's quite a pleasant read (just bear with that annoying original heroine).

Strong Female Side Character Awakens

Purple-Red Beauty

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