I like fanfic, dislike harems and Im in my 20s
of reading
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ah yes, the boy understands the depths of quirks, their weakness strengths and ways to use em found out 3 way to use his abiloties after spending a whole night and day just thinking about(even in his sleep) yup sure, I mean I get you don't want to give too much away but he'd figure out more future possibilities and ways to use em. hell he himself probablu saw how his own ability affected the environment. He's either incredibly dumb or its a plothole filled in with "its his masterplan" bs
Isn't he like 10 here?
Goated fanfic, its superbly well written with genuinely good political war based commentary later into the novel and multiple subplots playing out in the background which wont be unearthed until near the end. Though mc probably isnt for everybody he grows and the emotional parts and character interactions are some of the best I've seen in a long while. Writting borders on what you'd read in a well written modern classic than a fanfic at certain parts and at no point was the writting bad in anyway. If you aren't squeamish to written gore or well written realistic descriptions of death(what I mean by this is descriptions bordering on someone who spends their time watching liveleak footage to get details right level) then you should try reading this. Oh and there is one chapter near the end which even the author didn't want to reread when editing because it was too f**ked. Just as a warning, so its out there incase anyone wants to read it. Great fanfic all around anyways, solid 10/10 since I can't even come up with anything that could have been done to make it better by the end of it, meaning at no point was it annoying or tedious to read. Every event has cause and effect within the novel, nothing is ever illogical all has some reason behind it.
we irl have created temps up to 9.9 trillion degrees fahrenheit with the large hadron collider. wow dude made 100k using abilities that break fundamental physics what a fucking joke
Sure you have some time for it mu Thought back then was a social life in relation to his co-workers. sure you have time to talk to a friend group outside of work but who tf has time to talk to co-workers outside of work. and yeah yeah bullshit on that they still have a will to live. it aint laziness that you cant bother meeting with your friends after a slave shift. a 15 hour weekend shift with 4 hours of transportation independant of it leading in to a 10 hour shift in 6 hours with transport after getting home is a reality for some. sorry, I have a headache. plus who cares its a shitty twilight fanfic
some person who can pull see and interact with strings of probability, shift cause and effect to make a butterfly effect occur. shift a string so the wind causes a person to trip which down the line causes a person working on a particle accelerator to sneeze during a critical action causing the machine to overload or smthing
psyempathic beings burrowing into peoples minds through means of television signals intercepted by an offworld relay point where the image of them allows them to linger and use a process similar to parthenogenesis within the human psyche to multiply. Its a cool apocalyptic idea which honestly would be hard to stop, almost like the moths in peacemaker mixed with an infohazard scp/chthuluesk creature and the anti-living technovirus
wow, he could feel his primordial origin soul made by a god much superior to most things in the omniverse get surpressed, thats grade A stuff right there
and kill/maim, damaging beyond the point of no return eg hurting them to the point of being unable to life on their own is equally as bad if not worse than out right killing. plus after reading until the current chapter I do not stand corrected on him being a murderhobo. not that I dislike it, just an observation
excuse my drunkeness but didnt he kill a bunch of innocent earth benders when he coulda just killed the few fire nation officials bunkering down and dipped tf out