An existence of so much culture, I border upon becoming yoghurt.
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Doesn't sound so bad. I've always been a fan of liver and kidney. And lets face it, having access to saltwater to easily make a brine for curing, you weren't exactlly doing it tough. Sounds like you spent 3 weeks doing the whole fine-dining gourmet thing.
And you wonder why noone is gifting....
I was today years old when I realised cutie ryhmes with beauty and was forced to finally accept the reason I was single for so long was because my love poetry sucks bigtime.
You have to remember, it's a fantasy world, of course authors within would be mythical fantasies themselves.
Last time I encounted unexpected rocks it also became a shipwreck of a weekend. Didn't sleep for 3 days either.
Of course, as soon as I buy priviledge, the updates stop. There should be a refund policy for this type of garbage behaviour, or at least an option to sentence author to 50 lashes across the scrotum with a knotted bootlace.
And that, fellow daoists, is how you win an argument with a woman.
Wow. These last 2 chapter are some of the finest examples of character building I have read. Well done author, its not easy to portray emotions so well.
What about a fairy named Bob, who wore a mankini and wanted to use him as a part-time back shaving slave? Huh? Did he have that fairy thrown at him? Don't get complacent MC, you're messing with the butterfly effect now.....
Noone knows exactly what happened but they know enough details to proclaim the win by only half a move? If that's not exact enough, how much detail does one need? Perhaps which teeth still had food stuck between them from lunch?