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I have never seen someone so naive and stupid at the same time. How can he even walk around with this 1000-pound plot armor suit on him?
Aren't you gonna check its character profile?
Did this guy not look at any of the features?
You're weaker than a goblin, so why are you being so picky? This guy lacks any self-awareness.
Another novel where the MC has no spine and just goes with the flow. Dropped.
Why don't they just kill that guy, rob him, and hide the body? That would be easier
Yes, he can. The owner just needs to write it in the contract. I thought this guy ran a business?
Please, for my sanity, no one says Lmao out loud.
Doesn't he have almost intfinate luck? If so, then he shouldn't have been hit by the debris, monsters should trip, etc. and shouldn't be limited to just drops.
I'm so confused as to what level he is. How many levels did he gain from soloing the boss?