

2022-07-12 JoinedGlobal

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    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    Please! someone, who's a fan of this story like me, pick this up and continue. The writer of this story has given up this goldmine. So, if you are writer and think you can continue this story in the direction the original author of this story intended to take, please consider taking this story and continuing. And I promise to provide a steady supply of PS every f***ing day till the end of this journey. So please!πŸ₯Ί . . P.S - Please make sure to ping me, or let me know the title of that story by replying to this comment. Hope to hear from you soon.

    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    This is some damm good stuff. I liked that even with this kind of power, you didn't rush into action, ba*g** chicks left and right. You are more focused on developing the storyline with its charectors simultaneously. I hope you keep updating this and not abandon this theme of hypnosis, like some other writers, who had great potential, but just dropped it when the story was actually getting more interesting. keep updating this, and DO NOT drop this!! That's all.✌🏻

    This book has been deleted.
    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    It has such a great potential and the story is pretty interesting too, but you just had to ruin the story by bringing Fe**s into this. WHY!!! That horrible Mann! I can deal with waterworks, but this is just too much even for me. Please edit that part of the story and never introduce it in the future. That will 10x more enjoyable to read and suggest to other cultured people.

    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    I see great potential here. So DO NOT disappoint and keep updating. Here a few PS for future chapters. . PS - Here's a few suggestions from my side, wether you implement them or notz it's up to you. 1. DO NOT make the MC a Simp or beta. I hate those bastards who can't be honest with themselves and take what they want. 2. It's important to delve deeper into the charactor development, but try not stretch it too much before reaching to the really good stuff. 3. Make sure to utilse the full potential of the abilities that the mc have or may get in the future. Even if it gets a little dark, I'm ok with it including most of us. I may add another review in the future or edit this one depending on the direction of this story. That would be all. ✌🏻

    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    I'll suggest you to rewrite this one and note make a new one. The reason being your novel is already being in a little higher position in webnovels algorithm of suggestion. So, it's be much easier to reach to more audience than to build it from scratch.

    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    I'll be honest with you here. I had high hopes for this after reading the title, but you seriously had to mess that up. I mean comeon, you have the power to bend reality, and the first thing I see is NTR (Netorare). Here's a suggestion, remove that part and make it centre around you mc. I am happy to have NTR (Netori) but I can't stand the other ones. You do this, improve upon it and I'll add this to my library with daily PS supply as well, because I see a huge potential here. P.S - I know there's another novel with somewhat the same theme, but imo, it didn't reached its full potential. So I have high hopes for this one.

    This book has been deleted.
    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    take my power stones !!!! but DO NOT drop this gold F* mine.

    UNNKNOWNNa year ago

    I think this is the one I was looking for. Every other story in this genre is, how do I say it, way to complicated than needed. But not this one. Its's sweet and simple, but on point without distracting too much from the soul the story. I really enjoyed it. Please do not drop this one, and I'll promise to stick with it to the end. πŸ”₯πŸ’―

    UNNKNOWNNa year ago
    Replied to InnocentFox

    I'm just curious.... is it inspired by "Reincarnated with Mind Control powers"? I just started reading this one and it gave the same vibe as that one. I'm not saying it's bad or anything on the contrary, it's even better if it improves upon the shortcomings of the other one.