


An up and coming author, bringing you my first webnovel : Unnecessary Capes. About a young boy who loses his father at a young age and comes to terms with it.

2022-07-10 JoinedGlobal



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  • AntiTeoSensai2 years ago

    I love the world building so far , it makes me want to see where you go with the concepts that you introduced in the first chapter 🙂

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    I love how you have portrayed grief and loss in a realistic way. The first three chapters establish the theme very early on, and I can't help but feel sorry for the main character. I really enjoy the romanticism and sadness this story feeds to the viewer. I very much enjoyed reading this novel!

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    After the first couple of chapters I waw already hooked! Magenta's ability is very interesting and I really wonder what the limits of it are. I really hate the mother character already for making Magenta's life a living helll. I can't wait to see what's next!

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    This story has a deep and romantic feeling to it, the opening chapter really set the scene of the world in a way that I truly enjoyed . I usually don't read novels of this genre, but this one is great and I definitely recommend that people give it a read. 5 out of 5 rating! This is some quality writing and I loved every second of it.

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    So far I'm 7 chapters in and I'm loving this story. The transition from the regular an entirely different fantasy world truly felt like I was entering a whole new place. Your descriptions of the characters and environments form a picture of each one. I feel concern and stress for the main character Gala, and I want to see her succeed at returning to her normal. There are only small parts of the story that could use a little proofreading, but they were almost unnoticeable and didn't take away from the experience. Overall I love this story!

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago
    Replied to Missy_Castillo

    I appreciate the honest feedback it will help me get better at writing . I've been working to improve my writing with each chapter. I'll definitely try to improve the dialogue tags to make the conversations easier to follow. Thanks for the review! and I'm glad you enjoyed.

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago
    Replied to Missy_Castillo

    It's a mystery that will be revealed later on in the story, her age will be somewhat important.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    I can't wait for the next chapter, it's started to get interesting. I wonder how this "agreement" will work out in the end. He seems to be up to something.

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    I love the direction this story is going in! 5 chapters went by so quickly reading this series, and I definitely plan on continuing reading this novel. I love how the werewolf society operates!

  • AntiTeoSensai3 years ago

    The concept is very interesting! I'm already three chapters in and I plan to catch up on this series, Demonic rising has a dark atmosphere, and it works great with the themes of the story.