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I think you have a good idea and the story progression is good but you might want to work on your power scaling and fleshing out of relationships The MC has a good amount of powers to learn and draw inspiration from with the sand fruit but you are limiting him quite frequently and it becomes frustrating watching the MC limit himself to one ability against weak antagonists. Additionally though his current weakness does make sense as he hasn't trained for very long, he still should be far more effective and creative with his powers taking down fodder ,like the gravity villain, nearly immediately. MHA can be irritating to power scale as most strong villains don't appear till later in the story but if the MC is in a fight with an original villain try give more credible reasons as to why he would struggle like he does instead of having the MC take frustratingly long to stop one group of cannon fodder. Making the MC too strong can be a credible fear for the story but it can be used to add some character growth as the MC could become arrogant fighting fodder for so long, only to be beaten by a cannon villain like Shigaraki when they fail to take his threat seriously and they (or someone else) gets hurt by the MC's arrogance. I also feel like your relationships between characters could do with some work. This is usually very difficult for a fast paced story like yours, so I would advise either remove some time skips and slow the pacing or thoroughly plan interactions between characters. I think it would also be more organic if the MC had more interactions between his parents or friends just as slice of life as it would give the MC more depth and avoid you as a author falling into the troupe of having a cool and strong MC with no depth or actual character to him. all in all I think your story has great potential and could be really good just work on the interactions and his use of Haki and it would be even better.
Way too fast paced, bro needs to slow down and put more effort in world + character building but an OK fanfic idea if you like op main characters. If you scale the MC's growth more in the beginning you don't need to make as drastic changes to the original plot which makes for easier story telling a more realistic MC as his personality isn't as detached, especially if the world building and dialogue is properly fleshed out. The MC should also have a clear goal as again it makes for easier storytelling and removes the need for an OC to be introduced suddenly to "humble" the MC it usually detracts from the writing and detaches the reader as the story isn't as griping with random plot points being added it just feels like lazy writing to cover your own faults and make a believable challenge for the MC. If you want to add a overpowered OC give reasons on why they are there (how the MC's butterfly effect caused this) and also make sure their existence is believable and not some strange amalgamation of 3 random Naruto clans that have no relevance for a throwaway character. If you wanted the MC to be challenged you should have made him roughly Haku's level but still arrogant to make good character growth when he either looses or wins barely with a injury or hurt comrade in the wave arc. Alternatively you could have left the MC strong but made him more caring so suddenly in the middle of a fight he was dominating he finds out/is tricked into thinking they killed his friend/loved one so that he either ends up loosing control and killing his friend/opponent or freezing up and getting pummeled in a single moment, All things considered this is a good fanfic idea and the grammar + writing quality are better than 45% of fanfics on this site so keep writing and give it your best i look forward to seeing anything else you may write.
bro this story is really good; so please don't make Tanya loose because of clearly evident plot armor, its just bad writing
Same bro the story annoyed me so much as it was seemingly a annoying story about a cocky little brat who was weak af and couldn’t do anything but pretended like he was gods gift to the earth
POB (power of bulls***) not POD
Idiot, not misleading at all. the whole point of getting past memory's in a fanfic is to KEEP them. Why did you think people hate this trope not because its overused but it just makes the one advantage the protagonist had f*cking useless. its just irritating and bull*hit
crack fic that takes itself seriously. power scaling is abysmal 100x lightning speed after 4 years, MC is 12 at this point. no consistent character development with no dialog that is either thought out or at lest reviewed before posting. writing quality needs work but the idea wasn't too bad if a bit cliche.
yes but with the addition of a powerhouse like the MC she is even more irrelevant and is unneeded for the fact tsunade exists and is in a better position to do these listed thing, and her small combat capabilities are not even useful at this point