of reading
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Ewww guns in swords and magic fantasy worlds are story ruining
One word that makes me instantly drop any novel lol
She is the best one
Shit like this always kills stories. Don’t care if it’s harem or a playboy or whatever. But 12 yrs old having their mothers set them up is just weird.
I’m confused how all these pokemon with less potential always being higher ranked? Cain literally lives in the wild and took on a whole colony……. Must be the typical trope of everybody and their mother has to be higher level than the MC
Hell yes brothers!!!! Cookies for everybody
Cheer up charmeleon fight through with the same move
I’ve noticed battles have been going slowly downhill. Used to be more than just spamming the same move over and over again. No buffs, debuffs, weather effects. He battles like an 8 yr old who just picked up pokemon for the first time.
Ugh didn’t you say that was extremely harmful and shortens life span earlier in the novel?
The spearow quacking kills me every time. I imagine a psyduck