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after finished reading volume 2, i just came back to refresh my memory for next volume on earth.
is that truck-Kun
today reading this i realise that how dirt poor i really am
we have another DEGENERATE here who can't comprehend beauty of a novel and i am not going to waste my breath on you. author please delete his review as it is baseless and senseless.
well the reason you didn't like this 💎Koh-i-Noor is that you are not well-versed in english that's why you were unable immerse in this story perfectly and as for me i am just completely obsessed with this black opal.
i just dropped it after his sister died 😭 i am week hearted. actually i was looking forward to some siblings bond after reading first few chapters but the author had just outright kill her, i am disappointed, why build a character if you are going to kill them.
i couldn't even read 4 chapters of this illogical bul*sh*t. i mean seriously you want us to believe that a well educated man who rise to the top suddenly fell to the bottom because of some stupid gf who got tired of him and dumped him after taking his assist to herself and who the f**k list their properties in their gf name and how can he be on top when everything is on his gf name. such a high quality Bulls*it, atleast come up with something which can be believable and main protagonist is just d.......... i wish to say much much more but i will leave it to others who might also want release their frustration. And author don't you delete my review.
Alex is rich can't he just tighten her security to avoid these kinds of situation. some bodyguards protecting her from shadows will do the trick. there are just many loopholes