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  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to Chris_Stinson

    second youngest*

    The old man laughed. "Kind of a Commander like you to come make a pity visit to this old man. Just bring back the young ones in one piece, and we will call it even."
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to Huey_Dyess

    he is at least the second or middle of the pack, but given Tessa and lotus are said to be childhood friends I'm pretty sure the only one competing for youngest with karl is Dana. we know Tessa was noted as having plenty of experience on missions when Karl and Dana were on their way home from their first and "Bear" is literally a senior so neither of them are even in the running for youngest.

    The old man laughed. "Kind of a Commander like you to come make a pity visit to this old man. Just bring back the young ones in one piece, and we will call it even."
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Chris_Stinson

    actually yes you can make a sound similar to a clap with only one hand (and no you don't smack it against another part of your body nor is it the sign language variant of clapping. you just open your hand then with a quick motion slap your four fingers into your palm)

    "Can you clap with one hand? No, right. Two hands are needed to make a sound. Do you think I am stupid enough to believe they beat him for no special reason? He must've done something to offend them that led to them ganging up on him! You're hiding something from me," Lady Eveline said. 
    I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!
    Fantasy · DurcalAka
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to MiasmaLotus

    yeah its 254

    Commander Karl
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Chris_Stinson

    chapter 254 comes before this one

    Commander Karl
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to Inspector_Brown

    2 things. 1 if you actually read my first comment you'd know that as of the time it became relevant he is ascended meaning he'd need to kill a dormant devil, tyrant, terror, or titan to get a single fragment and anything lesser would get him nothing. so whith that in mind lets recount all the known dormant devils or higher in the book so far no.1 the tyrant in sunny's first nightmare and no.2 the terror in nephis's first nightmare. this is a trend we see with the higher ranks as well though not so drastically many beasts, lots of monsters, a good bit of demons, some devils, a couple of tyrants. very few terrors, and maybe a tyrant. as for the second point the cores pretty much mean nothing as sunny as an ascended tyrant still struggles against normal ascended humans at times -super minor spoiler- that didn't change when he became a terror and likely won't change at titan -super minor spoiler ended- the three major factors for his power have always been his rank, abilities, and skill the cores only real uses are the additional shadow and a place to store one of his Shadowspawn (which we don't even actually know if that is how that works as sunny never tested it).

    Despite the scope and ferocity of the recent battle, he had only received thirty or so shadow fragments from it — four for killing the Gate Guardian, the rest for slaying the Fallen abominations. Since Sunny was Ascended now, he gained nothing from slaying Nightmare Creatures of the Dormant and Awakened Ranks.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Chris_Stinson

    Charybdis- the ancient greek sea monster. it was known to a great and truly massive beast that would consume ships and their crew by opening its massive maw to create a whirlpool. it was told to work in tandem with scylla whose many heads were said to strike from above on the nearby cliffs

    There was a colossal, inconceivable maw hidden beneath the waves, stretching from one horizon to another. The terrible whirlpool that had almost shattered the ketch was caused by these titanic jaws opening and sucking in an immense plain of water. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to NewReich

    with the sentence mostly using words that indicate a singular focus I'd wager the original post has it right, but if it was set up with more plural words adding the s to the end of mind would be better

    Human mind was funny that way. It was colored by what one desired, making the same thing appear entirely different depending on the circumstances. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Chris_Stinson

    yeah cause everyone knows how easy it is to reach the ocean floor thats why even in modern times you need very specialized equipment to go even a few hundred meters down... ya know because its super simple.

    But it was also unrealistic, because it has never been recorded in history that a rift appeared in the sea.
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to TornGod

    more like because he was never a compassionate person to begin with

    'I thought I was compassionate. What's happening to me?'
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • Chris_Stinson

    that is not bullying that is called racketeering

    'Bullying, huh...'
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to RabbitPrincess

    there are a total of 5 responses actually. there are five Fs for fear responses, but they all boil down to fighting, fleeing, freezing, fawning (complying), and flopping (full mental or physical shutdown)

    'I thought there was supposed to be a fight-or-flight adrenaline response,' he inwardly hissed. 'Why are these morons just frozen? If they can't fight, they should at least flee!'
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to saintlotus

    seriously. they literally pulled him out of a charnel house of hellion and higher level monsters and the common preconceptions of rifts is that all monsters will work together to fight for the guardian so based on what they know he killed his way through all of those monsters as a walker and now he's a full drifter.

    Gilbert scoffed derisively. "An equal share of any updated way home, a place to stay secluded from the crowd where he won't be bothered...even if it's monster-infested. Hmph, I personally think he's going to die soon. The fool is overconfident, ignorant of the true dangers even run-of-the-mill monsters pose out there. He hasn't even encountered a catastrophe-level Corpse Eater."
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • Chris_Stinson

    definitely the most important information north has received in his (admittedly short) time as walker/drifter as this means he can pick up more non-combat talents without the need to sacrifice his survivability nor does he need to worry about investing in a talent and having to swap it out later because he's out of slots as long as he makes it to the next level all his investments become permanent.

    [Additional information: all Copied Talents upon Soul evolution are integrated into your soul and become Owned Talents.]
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • Chris_Stinson

    that is entirely incorrect Rae's first learned skill was lacerate which she learned from a 3rd or 4th year warrior. there is a chance the tree golems aren't even her second skill as it was never confirmed whether or not she learned bleed from the druid or if she failed to learn it fast enough.

    As for Rae, I'm not certain now that she's showing signs of becoming a mage type support fighter. I would have thought that warrior resources to increase her attack power and durability would be best, but the first additional skill she learned was Tree Golems.
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Chris_Stinson

    see that actually doesn't matter. even if Rae was twice as stealthy as the students the point here is not how good they are, but the fact that they are capable of decent stealth abilities that use methods seperate from the method Rae uses now. the reason this matters is layered skills. the assassins silent steps don't suddenly become less effective because they start wearing less noisy shoes nor does their ability to camouflage their skin/outfit lessen the effectiveness of having a second layer of magic shadows that can lessen both thermal and other alt sight abilities effectiveness against them. all these do is compliment eachother not compete against eachother.

    Learning something new was usually down to the quality of the instruction that you received, but the teacher wasn't showing off skills here, and honestly, the students weren't much better at hiding themselves than Rae already was with her ability to change her exterior coloration.
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to Dr_Haaxx

    couldn't agree more

    "Congratulations, Ascended Nightingale. Welcome to the club… the I Killed Myself club? No, that doesn't sound right. Let's call it the Othercide Club. You know, for people who killed the other, evil version of themselves."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to Grom_The_Guard

    oh and as for the introvert bit we've seen him interact with people before and he wasn't bothered by almost any social interaction where the other person wasn't definitively more powerful than him and intending to wield that against him.

    Hmm… yes. Why should she? Jay wondered. He didn’t want to jump straight to threatening her. It was the simple solution, but it would leave a bitter taste in his mouth if he did.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasy · Aero182
  • Chris_Stinson
    Replied to

    what part of pressing someone into the mud is more respectful than opening an interaction with a hello. as for caution I agree he should have been cautious, but cautious isn't a blitz attack its speaking from a distance. if she'd been even near the prowess her level made her out to be jay'd be filling in for all the bones he put into the river as food for the carnivorous fish.

    Hmm… yes. Why should she? Jay wondered. He didn’t want to jump straight to threatening her. It was the simple solution, but it would leave a bitter taste in his mouth if he did.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasy · Aero182
  • Chris_Stinson

    arachne isn't actually a god she was a monster made from a woman similarly to the lamia. arachne's story basically boils down to one of two scenarios. 1 she brags or is bragged about being the greatest weaver in existence, athena hearing this challenges her, and finally when athena beats her arachne doesn't take it well so athena punishes her by making her the first spider. 2 is the same except arachne truly is superior to athena and athena is the one that throws a tantrum ultimately turning arachne into the first spider again. the story's only variant is in who was truly the greater weaver, but arachne was always just a mortal woman as that was the issue the gods had with her (a mortal claiming or being hailed as superior to the gods). in some stories she becomes immortal in the same way other monsters are immortal in that when they die they are only killed temporarily, but she never becomes a god.

    [We will come up with something suitably impressive for you. But maybe it will be simple. Thor named himself after the God of Lightning, so perhaps you would like to be named after the Spider Goddess, Arachne?] Karl suggested.
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku