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rose = vierge ? mdr quel mensonge bizarre (mythe?)
Just wanted to say that Leia might be chill because if super healing and whatnot but please don’t touch someones fresh tatoo unless you ask first. The skin is SUPER tender and also prone to infection.
lol même!
To my knowledge the reason this wouldn’t work, or would be VERY difficult is because you actually need two tools: a tension rod and a pick. This is why bobby pins work because the lower half can act as the tension rod while the other half acts as the pick.
Lol I have to keep my phone in another room, I also installed a software blocking program on my PC so I can't access anything other than my schoolwork while it's on. The struggle for attention is very real.
This prof is a true MVP, notecards for exams are a godsend
Doing math by hand is the WORST I feel for them lol
I forgot about the Tutor! lol it was definitely a weird shoe-in part to drive the MLs closer together.
I love this a ton ^.^ for starters any story with a cute baby is already a contender for a 5/5 but this story really goes above and beyond with character development, some good "slice of life" content, and beautiful drawing.
i will never not be astonished by her denseness