
Chapter 144

#Chapter 144 Library of possibilities.

The library looked the same as it ever did—and it was just as empty. The large wooden doors closed loudly behind her, the first few weeks she worked here it used to make her flinch. Now, it made her want to sink right back into her daily routine and start her chores. No, she wasn’t here to be a maid. She was here because a prince had asked to see her—for whatever reason.

Prince Martin sat in the chair he favored near the tall windows. Her feet carried her there automatically and a strange sense of familiarity entered her bones. Did she actually miss this? Of course she did. The smell of old books and the peace she felt from this place—it was unreal. It was the only job she ever wanted in the palace, even when it payed lower than the ones offered to her over the years. It was better to keep her sanity rather than have more money.