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At first the creature in this chapter was simply called a “shadow monster,” but then I thought I might introduce other sorts of shadow monsters to the universe so I needed a more specific name for this one. Going off of the idea that you want to avoid being touched by them, I decided to call them “Grippers.”
I didn’t mean to be listed as my own top fan, but here we are. I was in bed (5ft off the floor) (pic for reference) and woke up at 2am from what was intended to be a nap at 6pm. Too awake to go back to sleep, but not with enough energy to *really* wake up and even climb down from bed, I bought my own book and started reading it. MY REVIEW OF MY OWN BOOK: It’s a fun adventure with comforting outcomes. Its tone is similar to Princess Bride and most of it takes place in an odd world with odd characters comparable to Wonderland. We get to spend time in the different phases of these characters falling in love, starting with a “ridiculous” crush, building to trust and appreciation, then self-sabotage, then acceptance, communication and fruition. The king is indeed a switch. This story was a lot of fun to write and I want to share it with as many likeminded readers as possible. If this reaches you and you feel the same, help by leaving a review of your own! Happy reading, Diana
Did you know this whole novel was written in two months? That’s the fun fact for this chapter; I couldn’t think of a “behind the scenes” moment more specific to this installment.
The last moment in this chapter was inspired by the very real time I was eating a bagel with avocado spread, and made eye contact with my crush at the exact instant some of the spread got on my lip. I wanted to be playful and maintain that direct eye contact while licking it off. Halfway through the action I realized it could be interpreted as provocative, so I got embarrassed and covered my mouth, laughing. Not knowining why I was laughing, but already amused, he asked, “What?” I said, “Don’t look at me.”
Before a I had clear idea of Rowan’s character, I was gonna have him straight-up mercy-kill this stranger to put him out of his misery. It would’ve been dramatic, but that’s a pretty morally gray thing to do and that’s not how I want him to come across.
It’s canon that the Ivory King is a confused old man and that’s why he motions for Lily to kneel far before the ceremony calls for it. It definitely 100% was not a continuity error I couldn’t fix bc I have no access to these chapters once they’re published.
Fun fact: the seed inspiration for the look of this scene - the desert, the king, the weirdness - came from a scene in the Magicians, in which Margo trips on lizard in the desert and sees her friend Eliot singing and dancing a full musical number, always just out of reach.
Ahh! I require resolution! More!
!!!! I thought it was gonna be that she killed her parents, but that’s also pretty brutal
Poor Everett. Liam’s a fun character though.