

2022-05-13 JoinedGlobal

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  • t_shiki31

    Oh my god she's pregnant OH MY GOD SHE'S PREGNANT!!! Gosh I wonder how Esmé will take the reveal. Would he be daunted? Would he feel a little betrayed? Would he be understanding? Gosh Jay-nim!!!! The start of the chapter oh gosh. There was nothing explicit but you still somehow got across the intensity of their night and the warm affection too. Poor Angel, she must be tearing her hair out and cursing out her boss XD I wonder if she's upset about losing the bet too 🤣 Really really really curious to find out more about Esmé's background and how he'll interact with everyone else in the family. (I wonder if Rosalia and Anselm would welcome him with open arms with or without the shovel talk XD) Thank you for the chapter Jay-nim!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! 💕💕

    Ch 13 Chapter 12
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    VdhkslLaalfhwj such a tease Jay-nim!! D: Ohhhh I love their dynamic already!! Esmé doesn't hesitate to stake a claim and take what he wants, but he's still so attentive and caring throughout. Marcella melted right into him and let herself go all soft and mushy for him. The way you write her when she's with Esmé honestly feels so different! The open affection that she showers Esmé with is wow But damn Marcella, you sure know how to rile up your mate for someone who's never been intimate with anyone before XD (though that's probably more of something to do with how she baits and provokes her enemies huh? 😂) Can't wait can't wait can't wait!! Thank you for the chapter!!!!

    Ch 12 Chapter 11
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    Ohhhhh Marcella found her mate!! And multiple people's gonna die because of how she found him!! 😃😃 Esmé seems very interesting already! (Our first meeting with him being a kidnapping aside) self-assured and confident enough in his own skin that he doesn't mind showing weakness or accepting help from a literal stranger, though I wonder if being mates factor in to his openness. (Poor Deering tho, he was such a sweet guy) Seems Esmé has a complicated family from the looks of it. I wonder how he'll fit in with Marcella's. Also, it's okay Esmé, I, too, found it hot how Marcella took care of the kidnappers very efficiently. 😌 Excited to see how the courting goes!! Thank you for the chapter!!

    Ch 10 Chapter 9
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    We finally get to meet her parents!! They sound like fun people, especially so in Rosalia's case XD It's heart-warming to see how loving they all are to one another. And Marcella asking for help from her parents in finding her a mate must mean she's really on her last legs XD Both Rosalia and Anselm both seem to have their own interesting stories to tell too, Rosalia's outward being able to flip at a switch and Anselm's steady calm, not unlike deep waters. I wonder how Marcella had to prove to her parents that she was ready for the position of heir and how she assured them that she could handle the affairs of the Underworld. A mole within the children... :((( Ohhh I wonder what's going to happen in Brisol? 👀 Thank you for the chapter!!

    Ch 8 Chapter 7
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    "Are you looking for a husband or a dog?" "Both works." This interaction had me 🤣🤣🤣 It's the start of the trip! And a lot of trouble too it seems like. 🤔 Oskar seems like a catch. And Marcella agrees with me XD where do we go to find us such a fine man? 😂 If Angel only recently just found out Marcella was being absolutely serious about finding her mate and having her child, I wonder if her previous attempts at finding mates and setting up dates for Marcella was just something like placation for something she thought was a passing whim? Kidnapping your future boss' mate doesn't seem like it'll do wonders for their relationship no matter how much you want to help though Angel XD Marcella starting a bet with Angel and then almost immediately after regretting it (as much as she can) is a mood 😂 Why poke the sleeping Marcella 😂 Thank you for the chapter!!

    Ch 7 Chapter 6
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    Wait what??? Oh my god, did the rat get so close to the children that they got to make use of them?? Poisoned chocolate? Im assuming Maria was genuine with her feelings and didn't know that the chocolates may have been poisoned. She'd be devastated if she ever finds out what happened. For all that Marcella has her own soft spots for her found family, she sure runs a tight ship, what with how unforgiving she was regarding the lax security. Thank you for the chapter!!

    Ch 5 Chapter 4
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    I didn't think we get to see Cyril so soon! It's nice to see Marcella have someone who is on somewhat(?) equal grounds with her, who's not afraid to challenge her and say what's on their mind. I know Angel does that in a way, but she still listens to what Marcella wants in the end. Cyril won't interfere with what Marcella wants but he's more wary about any repercussions that could impact her and all of them, much like how we see in this chapter where Cyril is worried about how Marcella's potential mate will change the dynamics in their pack. And I see Marcella is sharp when it comes to other people's relationships. Nice to know that she's not oblivious to how people feel about one another XD That moment when Cyril looked at Marcella absolutely deadpan XD Thank you for the chapter!!

    Ch 4 Chapter 3
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    We meet the kids!! And there's a lot of them too. It'll be a while before I can remember their names and match them to the correct people 😂 And we get to see Sasha!! So cute how he only ever acts like a puppy for Marcella XD I wonder how his relationship with Cyril is really like 👀 The dynamics of the ABO universe here is quite different from what I'm used to, with the betas being the ones better at sensing pheromones and the omegas being the ones more unaffected by them. Very much appreciate you laying down the foundation of your world early on so we can understand how interactions between people (should) work! Marcella's iron strength in controlling her pheromones from leaking unintentionally really shows us how strong it is. Must be hard to go against your physiological urges. Thank you for the chapter Jay-nim!!

    Ch 3 Chapter 2
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    Wwwww the way that Marcella thought she'd break all the people Angel has shown her so far because they're /nice/ Angel just casually annoying Marcella and throwing shade at her and her high standards for a mate 😂😂 Quite shocked at the way Marcella said she'd slash open anyone else's mouth ngl, but bring able to see into her thoughts is nice, and it makes sense she doesn't allow anyone else that kind of allowance seeing as she's THE heir of the Underworld. Being seen as soft must be a death sentence. A workaholic and an oblivious one at that XD Poor Angel just wants her boss to rest. The children!! Marcella wanting them to have their time to be children and Angel knowing how the children actually feel and letting them work towards what they want And there really is quite a different mindset between those who have always been strong and those who hard to work and work hard to become strong isn't there? Thank you for the chapter!!

    Ch 2 Chapter 1
    In the Heat of Desire
    Urban · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    I, too, have a thing for expensive good food. MJ please adopt me. I'll let you pamper me whenever you want. What's this fourth wall breaking wwwwww Jay-nim, Sofia's catching on to you!! The way Sofia didn't even /try/ to reject looking at the photos/videos XD (pretty sure if they were anyone else's, she'd tell them an outright no) This part really shows just how much of a fangirl Sofia is for Roy, and just how much she loves Roy in general, the way she started gushing about him with the shop Auntie and how she's more flexible about her self-imposed rules when it comes to Roy (as a fangirl of course) Auntie joining in on the matchmaking XDD counter's up to 3 now Sofia THEY FINALLY MET!!!! gotta wonder how MJ's and Roy's relationship is like tho, what with how he practically ignored a familiar face and just went right up to Sofia instead XD Thank you for the chapter Jay-nim!!

    Ch 6 Chapter 5
    Never Meet Your Idols
    LGBT+ · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    The way Fia said MJ offered Roy up like he's a piece of meat 😂😂 Get you a friend who would kidnap you for your well-being (KimCom-) Reading this chapter made me wonder if Sofia ever felt romantic love for MJ 🤔 or maybe it wasn't to the extent one could call it love yet, but maybe romantic feelings. The way she sometimes think and talk about MJ makes it very obvious that MJ is a special person to her, even among everyone she loves (maybe on the level of Roy? 👀) and I wonder if it ever got to the point where Sofia had developed more than platonic feelings for her but decided not to do anything about it and it faded away into what it is now, no less of a love than before, just different. The thing about kindness and love and happiness, is that it's not a matter of whether or not you /deserve/ it, it's more of something that everyone should have and/or experience in their lives. The way that people go about it though, is they think they should do something for them to earn those things. Especially if you've been through times when those things seem far-fetched to gain. I hope Sofia doesn't think about whether or not she deserves MJ's kindness and affection one day, and just accept it as a natural part of her life. 💕 Ooooh more backstory foreshadowing? 👀 seems our MC isn't good with intimacy, even with MJ, which is quite surprising to me tbh. Although I guess there's a difference between physical affection and /intimacy/. MJ seems to have an inkling as to why Sofia has an aversion to it, but I wonder to what it extent. The way Sofia views her meet-up with Roy seems very... logical? Realistic! And somehow pessimistic at the same time. How she feels she as a fan should not cross a certain boundary put in place between fans and idols. But still getting excited about the meet anyway /because/ she's a fan who can get to meet her idol, no matter how web novel-esque (😏) the meet-up is. And ohhhhh! Sofia loves Roy! But is it how dedicated fans love their idols? Or is it something more? Something like how a certain reader felt towards his protagonist? Sofia's love certainly isn't something light, not with what I've read of her for the past few chapters. If she herself is saying it, it's certainly genuinine. (But in what way!? Ahhhh I want to know!!!!) Sofia wanting to prove something in an act of pettiness and spite is very relatable 😂 The whole ending part of this chapter was very light-hearted and very much appreciated! The way MJ was trying (badly) to assure Sofia that she wasn't go to sneak away during their day with Roy and Sofia making plans to bring rope and chains so that MJ won't be able to run away 😂 Thank you very much for this chapter author-nim!! I can't wait to meet Roy and see how he interacts with the two ladies!!

    Ch 5 Chapter 4
    Never Meet Your Idols
    LGBT+ · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    MJ HAS GOLDEN RETRIEVERS!!! PLURAL!!! Okay moving on from cute doggies Sofia having attachment issues? Commitment issues? A fear of... having too high expections? Honestly there's a bunch of stuff I read into her thoughts and actions that I read in this chapter. That part where she was dancing and started dancing with someone else. Where she said she wouldn't have done it otherwise if it weren't for that particular setting where everyone can tell its just for fun, just something to lift the mood and make people smile, it's not something that requires any real... involvement? Initiative? From Sofia. Somehow that led her to thinking that her meet-up with Roy would be something like an idol fanmeet, where fans just meet their idol, give their gifts and thanks, maybe get a handshake, high-five, and even a hug and just go. That's the end of that. I really want to see where it goes from here. How Sofia grows and changes(?) From this mindset (protecting herself from potential hurt?). Ngl, the way Hyerin was kinda pushy about the romance thing and also just for Sofia to meet Roy made me go >:T I supposed its because I don't really like it when people make me do things that I don't really want to, even if it stems from good intentions. Even though MJ is technically doing the same thing, her being more hands-off about it makes it more okay (idk how else to word it, I'm sorry) for me. I think Sofia not wanting to meet her idol and just admire him from afar is understandable. I also DO think that her friend(s) (does Hyerin count as one?) wanting Sofia to have a (what seems like to her friends) surefire way to make her happy is understandable. I'm sorry if this made you upset Jay-nim 🙏🏻 please let me know if you'd rather not have such comments in the future 🙇🏻‍♀️ Thank you as always for the chapter!! (PS. I wasn't sure in the prev chpt, but seeing how Sofia's fellow dancer seemed to want to get touchy with her, that staff from the boba shop WAS at least a little bit interested in Sofia wasn't she? 👀 Since she remembered her order despite Sofia not going to that shop so often. 🤭 seems our Sofia is a little bit of a lady killer without knowing it 😏)

    Ch 4 Chapter 3
    Never Meet Your Idols
    LGBT+ · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    I want a friend like MJ 🥺 She's so sweet and so supportive of a friend (the monetary benefits is a plus too XD) And ooh, I sense some backstory to Fia here 👀 Me reading that MJ wants good things to happen to her friend, /just because/ really makes me feel warm inside. (I wasn't joking about wanting a friend like MJ) Someone who would try to make good things happen if they don't occur naturally for a friend... 🥺🥺 And Fia! That line about her having grown up enough that she knows that, even though those dark and insidious thoughts in her mind won't ever really go away, she doesn't have to listen to them at all. She can just treat them like white noise. I'm honestly so, so curious how MJ and Fia met. And what Sofia's occupation is really. Thank you for the chapter!! 💕

    Ch 3 Chapter 2
    Never Meet Your Idols
    LGBT+ · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    !!! I like Sofia so much already!! That's a sorta coolness to her, in that she doesn't really get worked up much but when it comes to things and people she likes, she gets super fired up right away! Also, from the get-go, we find out that she's not really sociable, but she's not aloof either. This was cemented more when Sofia mentioned how she didn't consider her co-workers friends even though they've worked together for 5 years. (I relate to this so much by the way, as someone who wouldn't automatically call a classmate of 4 years a friend. They're just that, a classmate.) I don't know how often Nelle and Robert will appear but they sound so sweet already! (Also Jay-nim projecting their preferences maybe? ;) and that list of activities Nelle mentioned as well? XD) The part where Sofia mentioned that her friends, though few, were intense. I want to meet them all already! And know what they're like when they're all together! Also the way it's implied you basically have to strong-arm your way into being Sofia's friend or she wouldn't really think of you as one otherwise. MJ!! The way she knows Sofia so well that she's already decided to do the thing she wanted to do because she knows Sofia won't accept it otherwise. I wanna learn the way they are with each other so much!! I wanna know how they interact with each other, how they think of each other, how they influence each other, etc.. The fact that MJ is considered Sofia's best friend, which I'm pretty sure is pretty hard to achieve. Excited for future chapters!! Thank you so much for writing Jay-nim!!

    Ch 2 Chapter 1
    Never Meet Your Idols
    LGBT+ · the_mainspring
  • t_shiki31

    Ohhhhh Both Sofia and MJ sound so cool! I like their interactions so much already! Knowing that Sofia is neutral towards anything and anyone else, at best, really makes me curious how and why she got into following her idol. And I do wonder why MJ felt like Sofia needed to meet Roy to be happy, so much so that she had to push Sofia into meeting him. I'm curious about how to met and how they got so close! Roy sounds like a sweet boy too! Super excited for future chapters Jay-nim!

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Never Meet Your Idols
    LGBT+ · the_mainspring