

2022-05-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • Iury_27
    Replied to Gabichu_Yeah

    I haven't read it yet, I just wanted to be the first to comment. and from what you say it doesn't seem worth it

    The Otherside Of A Flipcoin
    Anime & Comics · Die_Jobb
  • Iury_27

    Good morning........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bye

    The Otherside Of A Flipcoin
    Anime & Comics · Die_Jobb
  • Iury_27

    Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam just spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam just spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam just spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

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  • Iury_27
    Replied to kickyx

    I don't understand the reason for this discussion, this is a fanfic. something created on top of a complete, finished world in which an author bled his brain cells to create and make it coherent. where a fan feels like adding their touch to the story. slightly fiddling with something or completely changing the story. this can have two results, completely destroying something that was already good or even creating something that can be better than the original. what doesn't change is that it's something that will never be yours because you took the plot, world and characters from the original author and so you will always be seen in the shadow of the original. so I don't see the point in all this discussion about plagiarism about something from a fanfic. this is just a waste of time, just read the fic and accept everything the "author" did, if it's not good just get out and stop being an ass. the bad grammar and the poor plot are enough. . . . . . . ps: automatic translator sorry if I can't understand.

    Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!
    Anime & Comics · BlackStar_BH
  • Iury_27
    Replied to watch_donghua

    don't worry in the end he comes out on top by ķilļing tang hao and stealing xiao wu from tang san

    Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · wheretonow
  • Iury_27

    this is the most forced story I've ever read, I mean the author introduced his family for two paragraphs and then killed them. turning the mc into an edgy emo ignoring plot holes, well we are talking about dxd a world where there is a sacred gear with the power to revive the dead. to me this is nothing but a second rate forced revenge story. I'm just giving my opinion sorry if I offended anyone but I just want to make it clear how outraged I am with this fic ps: sorry if you couldn't understand the comment because I'm using automatic translator because I don't speak english

    This book has been deleted.