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Gguvtccfff intricacies Bu Jin Uyghur Nothing In
For anyone that has read ahead, I’m gonna ask a question. Will the MC shelter Bellatrix and other criminals under the guise of some stupidity called family? She’s clearly insane and evil and he says that she’s quirky and makes him smile. He gets angry at Sirius for getting caught for smth he didn’t do but doesn’t even think to address Bellatrix for literally killing innocent people. I don’t mind a neutral MC, but this is a little too past the line for my tastes. She’s evil and idc how she’s portrayed. Gonna drop, if anyone sees this comment, let me know if MC continues to harbour evil criminals cuz of some family bullshit. Thanks
Author is it gonna be harem? The red lotus sect leader seems cute enough. Really hope it’s not gonna be a harem. Also this story is too dynamic, literally the MC never stays in a single place and smth always goes wrong. The plot gets a little annoying after a while.
This story is amazing. Funny, interesting, light-hearted and witty. You won’t be a single trashy trope (in fact this story is so spontaneous and random, it’s too funny). 5/5 story
Author is it harem?
The book is amazing. Hands down of the best concepts there is. It’s written well and flows very smoothly. It’s also really interesting, fun, and engaging to the reader. My only concern is the MC. He comes the poorest and trashiest of places but he remains a naive kid. I understand it’s for the sake of character development but it’s been 250+ chapters and he has this idealistic vision that I find extremely annoying. Also he’s very inconsistent with how he views the world. The other characters are written amazingly and are super awesome. I wish the MC was Wyntor and not this child that goes through a mental crisis after every incident. Overall, still one of the best I’ve read.
Is it harem?
Author, how many ppl in the harem? I don’t wanna start if he starts going Pokémon collecting.
Sorry dropping rn. It had great potential but now it’s just flowing randomly. Power scaling is so autistic, idk who’s strong and who’s not. The MC is just meh and plain. Half of his actions are dumb and a waste of time. The writing is done very well though, so I’m kinda sad to be dropping this. Overall, this was not bad.
Author doesn’t even seem like he is trying to hide the idiocy of the MC anymore.