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in this chapter is the word raccoon dog be correct translation is mink fox
before hunting crossbow meant beef jerky now it means rabbit let's just randomly use hunting crossbow for everything The hunting crossbow president made a hunting crossbow statement about hunting crossbows across hunting crossbow Congress
LOL a few more paragraphs and you see what hunting crossbow is.... beef jerky
I still think hunting crossbow just means game meat
hunting crossbow glazed honey burrowed axe orange shimmering sword with basil and drowning Cherry shield for dessert
okay corrected translation... this is a hunt (game(animal)) i crossed (found, came across) with my bow.... Hope that helps
wow so sad for MC compared to the millions of other people with no gun or bullets...
in my understanding from how they have interpreted you get one item a day unlocked unlimited for the rest of the game so yesterday was bullets day before was water now condoms and all three are unlimited from now on
nope likely not a calculation error... If The liquid within weighed 5 g and the vial is an additional 5 grams in total would give 100 vials containing 5 grams antibiotics each
first he says he's trying to be low-key next he emits an aura and looks like an evil Mastermind plotting world domination way to stay low key