It's been 7 years since I started reading, four years on Webnovel, and I write as a hobby, I especially like fan fics, western and Eastern fantasy as well as system novels. Anime and Manga Too.
of reading
Read books
Say yes. She’s legal. 😋
Well, it really is a black hole 😉 lmao
New fanfic/novel, new review, leave your questions down below and I'll answer them when possible! Worked hard on this so I hope it's satisfactory!
It's called logic, the fic isn't even 30 chapters in. It stands to reason that ANYONE who was an avid fan of the show and actually got to their world would want to meet them, criticizing that is just stupid. Especially since the storyline revolves around them. It's what he does afterwards that counts.
Also, the entire premise of the fic is for the MC to be prepared in advance for the events of the show, having him go down with the others would defeat the whole purpose and premise of the fic
I can recognise criticism when I see it, this isn't it, and it's common knowledge this is a fan fic as per the tag, you don't have to go on a whole self Monologue about it. I don't like what I did with the story progression, but the opening I will defend, as it's something unique and creative, not the same copy pasted formula, which you should appreciate but you clearly live in your own little world
who would want to read a hundred fanfic without the hundred... °ω°?
Idk, I really want to rewrite the whole AI thing to be more realistic, but I don't have the time, so if I do continue it, it won't be with a rewrite. I'm kind of busy right now so maybe an update shall come next week?
I'll talk about what I found bad then about what I found good. Bad: First of all, the info dumps in the first 3 chapters are INSANE, 100 paragraphs plus of just listening skills and their uses, now after reading all that you expect to see them being used in a fight right? No. which brings me to my next point. Fights. They were boring, the MC didn't utilise even a tenth of the abilities he has, some contradictions happen that don't make sense which only serves to make the fight seem forced, for example fights he would easily win are blown out of proportion for no reason, I personally got very frustrated at that. He gets many OP abilities, then during fights it's as if he forgot they existed. Also, when a change of POV occurs, first person isn't used which makes things confusing at best. Good: The OG the writer added in aren't half bad, minimal to no spelling and grammatical mistakes, story development is great though forced at times, the chapters are long, the established world build is utilised well and you can tell some creative juices were spent on this. Changes: As the story progressed, the fights are still frustrating but the info dumps did get lighter. I would love if the author adopted the 'show not tell' policy, and train in writing fights scenes more to get better. At least use AI those fights really aren't readable. Do I recommend this? Well, make your own opinion of that and I hope this review/rant helped. ♡
Ever heard of , show not tell? At least have him use his skills in the fights, they are always underwhelming, he doesn't use his skills for all the hype that was put into them.