


Even your own teeth bite your tongue every once in a while. Watch who you trust.

2022-03-14 JoinedCanada



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  • Boundless_
    Replied to Eltoxico69

    There’s no need to apologize, and thank you

    Ch 44 Announcement
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to GuYueFangYuan

    Yeah, back at this point I was still figuring things out and basically baiting feedback on aspects I wasn’t sure about. Ignore all of the insecure rambling in the first dozen chapters’ A/Ns, I stop caring eventually and it gets better

    I designed the MC to have a chaotic whirlwind of a mind, with thought trains leading nowhere and everywhere while going at a million miles an hour, and even though I toned it down from my original design, it's still too chaotic to make for smooth, presentable reading. If I wrote this in the way I originally envisioned my MC's mind, it would be twice as long and even more random and detailed, but, as I said, even toning it down this much wasn't enough.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    No, something relating to how I could use the holy nail

    Ch 42 Vampiric Genocide
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    It’s cool symbology, but it wouldn’t work (the church doesn’t have the flesh of Christ on hand and sticking the holy nail into him would just make him explode). You gave me potential inspiration for something else though

    Ch 42 Vampiric Genocide
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to spectermerlin

    Priska (remember that these are rough guidelines for them, read when you see their pics are later on because I say what the differences are)

    [1] The picture for this should be here.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to

    They’re shown later on but I can send some for you here Ioann

    [1] The picture for this should be here.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to AlexanderSol

    (My first reply was shadowbanned for the full spelling, so I’m resending it) It's not censored, I'm fairly sure it's an old German spelling of it (the name has a lot of variations within his family tree, like Hi tler, Hi edler, Hü ttler, Hy tler, and Hi ttler, remove the spaces in your mind)

    "Or," another man added, "it could relate to the ordinary world's upcoming war. I mean, we've all heard about it - the spies have informed us. That leader of Germany, the Adolphus Hiedler guy with the Alphecca Tyrant Longinus? He's heavily involved in both the supernatural and ordinary world. Huge reach, and he wants war. And, to be fair, it'll come - there's no other reasonable outcome. He's already annexing nearby countries - Austria and then those parts of Czechoslovakia. I wouldn't be surprised if the Devils want to use the chaos he'll sow to contest our recent advantage. Just look at our roster and," he motioned to the blonde woman, "as you mentioned, our Russian activities. They could even be working with the guy. I sure would try and orchestrate things to my advantage in their shoes."
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to AlexanderSol

    Oh, I thought it was an attempted correction

    There is a Longinus user in charge of Germany - the new Alphecca Tyrant - and our sources have informed us that he is preparing for total war throughout Europe - normally, this wouldn't be a big deal for us. During the last one around twenty years ago - the one instigated by that Telos Karma user who bragged about manipulating fate so that the Archduke of Austria-Hungary encountered the same assassin multiple times and was eventually killed, starting the conflict - we didn't really do anything, not seeing the need to. A few young Devils saw the easy chance for making contracts with humans affected by the war and went, but that was really it - and it's not like they were commanded to go.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to AlexanderSol

    Yes…? He said ‘during the last European war around 20 years ago’

    There is a Longinus user in charge of Germany - the new Alphecca Tyrant - and our sources have informed us that he is preparing for total war throughout Europe - normally, this wouldn't be a big deal for us. During the last one around twenty years ago - the one instigated by that Telos Karma user who bragged about manipulating fate so that the Archduke of Austria-Hungary encountered the same assassin multiple times and was eventually killed, starting the conflict - we didn't really do anything, not seeing the need to. A few young Devils saw the easy chance for making contracts with humans affected by the war and went, but that was really it - and it's not like they were commanded to go.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to AlexanderSol

    The 48 Laws might’ve referenced it, but “The Prince” by Machiavelli is where it’s from

    "As my old friend Machiavelli often said, people should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them, there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance. So," he slowly raised his arm, "I hope you are satisfied with having every bone in your body turned to mush."
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to AlexanderSol

    Nothingness metaphorically, as in their functions just cease, yeah nobody believes that they go to some void straight out of an isekai webnovel

    I refused to risk early Malebolge [3] by trying to repent and join the Church - and I still do, although it's not like I could, having become a Reincarnated Devil, Instead, I will either live for as long as possible, figure out some sort of seal that will trap my soul and mind for eternity after death and keep it from bounding toward eternal punishment, simulating the atheistic view of the afterlife (nonexistence), or achieve some form of immortality. The last one is the least likely out of the two, and the first is the most.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to SHU_63

    Figure of speech

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Priest_Yuri

    Let me walk you through it. Chapters for the real fic take longer to write because of a few factors (all explained in the starting A/N). Omakes take less time because of also explained reasons. I was preoccupied (busy) throughout the week and didn’t have time to finish the next chapter, and since I wanted to get something out for the readers after two weeks without an update, I quickly wrote up that omake and released it What you talked about (writing yuri slice of life or a different fic of another series, something ’relaxing’) has nothing to do with those reasons

    Ch 37 Omake: The Servant of God I
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Priest_Yuri

    I don’t get what you’re saying. I said that I was preoccupied (couldn’t get the next chap done) and pumped out a quick omake so there would be an update after 2 weeks, and you responded saying how I should write yuri slice of life

    Ch 37 Omake: The Servant of God I
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Priest_Yuri

    That’s why I don’t do them often. And read the A/N at the start of the chapter, it was either this or nothing

    Ch 37 Omake: The Servant of God I
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to skidmark

    I’ve decided to raise his agility a bit

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to

    His archery is his Tools of Brimstone NP and the class can only make up for his agility so much, Ioann is decently quick for a human in the main fic and can empower himself (hence the + in the rank), but his archery doesn’t really have much to do with speed and can’t bring it up too high when it’s not what he’s good for. Also, the original draft of his powers included an E-rank version of the Skill that lets you cast magecraft without words, but in the end I ended up removing it

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to skidmark

    My version is close enough, the wiki stated that the skill normally doesn’t give real ‘divine blessings’ but that Noah is a special case because of his relationship with God (the reason why he has EX-rank of the skill), so capping it at C-rank defense is good for my purposes (I’ll make sure to distinguish that magical attacks do more damage than physical ones though)

    -Protection of the Faith didn't have a directly stated effect on the wiki, but some mentions of Noah's possession of the ability and the name itself had me decide to make it a defensive thing.
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    I have ideas for that

    Ch 36 A Sanctified Impetus
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Boundless_
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    1. Thank you 2. No, and generally I don’t want to just steal powers or vaguely change ideas from DxD 3. Yes but no, you’ll see 4. I might give him an apprentice but probably not

    Ch 35 Cornerstone
    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_