no hay nada interesante que contar
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English is not my native language so I used Google Translate to help me with this review so I'm sorry if it's not well written. Honestly, I started reading this story just because I was bored and didn't expect anything, but I loved it and I adore the path the story is taking and how it develops the magic of the MLP world and its characters. I'm mainly interested in the development of Discord and Chrysalis's story, and I hope that one day the author decides to continue this great story that I love. I also see that there are people who didn't like the Spike and CMC chapters, which I personally don't understand, since I thought it was quite good not to leave Spike as just another secondary character.
I made this review with Google Translate so I'm sorry for the spelling mistakesPersonally, I didn't think the first chapter was very good, but all the other chapters managed to capture my attention and make me want to see more of this story, and the more I watched, the more I loved the story. The enormous number of chapters may be intimidating, but most likely you will reach the most recent chapter and still want to read this novel. I say this from experience. I remember that when I saw that there were more than 800 chapters, I thought that the story would bore me. but I got to the last episode that was on at that time.
mientras escribia esta parte se me ocurrio que cuando uno de los representantes de los dioses muera hacer un capitulo especial mostrando su version de la historia
al escribir esta parte se me ocurrio que cada cuando un participante muera que yo haga un capitulo de su version de la historia que dicen es buena idea
joder una obra de arte maestra 30/10............................... ............ ....................................................... ..
hola aqui el autor de esta cosa si ven muchos errores ortograficos lo lamento pero estoy terminando esto a las 2 de la mañana y me da flojera corregir los errores ahora y ya queria publicar al menos un episodio ya que se me hacia raro ver una historia sin algun contenido pero voy a corregir los errores ortográficos despues
una obra maestra que se encuentra muy pocas veces................................ ...................... ................................... Puntos para rellenar XD
la conversación debio haberse vuelto muy incómoda
vaya al parecer la una técnica que vimos tanto era mas una leyenda que una técnica