


Well I am a cynical guy who has a fucked sens of morality or non at all for that matter. On the side note I am edgy to so deal with!!

2021-12-27 JoinedAscension Island

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  • XLucifer_AceX

    Seems the author used ai like chat gpt for the majority of the writing interesting premise but the author unfortunately requested the ai a very pretentious manner of writing it just seems artificial and lacks fluidity, the author also seems sloppy the pov changes are not marked as changes it just jumps between the characters making it confusing the author also didn’t seem to Proofread this evident by the mistakes and this hilarious mistake ( also the author might want to look in chapters 2 and remove this artefact “ apologies for the misunderstanding allow me to rewrite your words based on earlier instructions in the requested writing style”

    Royalty In Shadows : A Ninja's Awakening
    Fantasy · ZayDen
  • XLucifer_AceX

    The story is fantastic well from what I have seen at the very least and it deserves 5 stars from me as it's a lord of the mystery fanfic and if done well they slap different from any other fanfic. I genuinely love evil characters who have a purpose and sideline morality in their quest for it. But if a character is unnecessarily enjoying the carnage a little to much and is derailed from his path due to it that will be a shame. In my opinion the authors choice to make the mc have tow sides to his persona is really good. Coming back to the morality of it all, I am going to copy, paste one of my comments as it will tell you stance on it :) note- this might have some unrelated things in it that do ot apply to this particular story as i have copiedone of my comments on another novel :) [ I saw the author doesn't want more then one female love intrest which i can understand why so . as we do live in a monogamous society! where being faithful to your wife as a man is seen as a virtue and all that other B$. which I can understand as I wouldn't want my significant other to be che@ting on me but on the other hand why can't I do it I know it's hypocritical of me to say that and it might possibly hurt the feelings of my wife/gf [ as we should treat others how we would want them to treat us ] but I don't give a rats a## about it and I would probably marry some one who might have similar thinking And possibly might agree to it [ thinking About it doesn't seem highly likely I would ever be abel to find them lmao ]. but what can I do I am not but a simple egotistical, hypocritical ,instinct driven selfish b@rb@rian of a human or rather should I say a smartm0nk£y a smart one but a m0nk£y nonetheless . Sorry for my rant But what I am trying to say is before the advent of Christianity, having a harem of women was commen. And it is also rooted in biology as evolutionary wise the more we f0rnic@te the better for our species thus more chances of survival for the species basic darwinn evolution!!!! Yaaay The author also seems to not think highly of morals from my understanding atleast. so I don't think he should be bound by the morals of Today's society especially when the mc is supposed to be a selfish evil person, on top of that the setting of the novel is in a medieval fantasy setting world in which power rules. generally our past has shown us humans in power with high charisma and looks are very very very attractive to women and generally tend to have harems many examples of this can be seen in the past or even now [ looking at you gigachad [ the meme ] ] Now I know many people might criticize it and say impossible or illogical and what not but come on this is a fantasy world with actual God [d@ MM] magic and the mc is the one around whom the whole world revolves around come one he is the main character!! the literal main f@#$ing character god[ d@ MM ] it [ i get angry when i see coments like this even if the story has harem tag ] so as I was saying I definitely recommend for a harem. Now I know the author might not want to do it as it's up to him as in the end it is his story but in my opinion if you can't commit to it fully at the very least make him a playb0y. Now on to some of my criticism the mc seems too constrained by his personality and his obsession with cleanness which can be much at times as it hampers him to do things which can be a bit of a weakness in my opinion the mc should be Abel to command him self to do things as someone said "a true Villain Is not someone who can be cruel to others but rather someone who can be cruel to himself " [ I don't know who and even if it is correct but it rings true to me so I said it ] I hope the mc sidelines morality when trying to make a good villan as I have seen many authors mess up the story due to the Villain Turning good or whatever b$ but also do not make the mc so cold and uncaring as to make him a unrelated soulless corpse with not a shred of humanity so much so we cant relate to him and feel somewhat a part of the story and abel to understand him The author and the mc have to understand one thing that morals are chains made by the , society that binds you to be a sl@ve of its desires!! and do its bidding and please it by doing something ' good' irrespective of your own gain or loss its a curse that drags you into a life of mediocrity and chains you to it forever and be nothing but an insignificant character in your life achieving nothing being labeled a loser or avrage . If you please the society, you are a moral, righteous upstanding, person with a good character and are inspirational to other the society tells them to follow your path and strive to be like you , you are put on a pedistal and prased to the high heavens . but god forbid if you dare put yourself before the society you will be labeled as a c0w@rd selfish pice of s@#$t you will be draged through the mud all you life's achievement in the past or all the 'good' that you might have done in the past amount to nothing you are labeled a monster a demon a devil your name cursed for all of eternity and you become a shame on the lifes of the people you love and cherish the ones who you might be connected to, to them you not but a blight in their life a stain to get rid of a mere annoyance you might be h@ng£d, k!ll£d, t0rtur£d and the ones doing it will be prased and celebrated as heroes who ended evil for the greater good pftt... hahaha.....hahaha....hahaha If something bad happens to you that means you probably deserved it and if people try to show sympathy or even a shred of pitty towards you they'll also be labeled as evil and all of this for what putting? your self above others!!?? Sorry can't do this To be nothing in your life but i mere sl@v£to the society sorry but i am not some altruistic €u@k who would let that happen as if . hence you shall get rid of these metaphoric chains as fast as you can. Now Some people might say well i have bested you , and your claims forget to take empathy in the equation and well too that I say f•@k that empathy which is nothing but a useless mutating in our genome which resulted in the ventomedial prefrontal cortex [vmPFC] It's a part of the Brain responsible for many things but among them one is empathy so if you get injured or due to some complications it dosent do its intended job then you will have no morals or as I like to call it truly be Truly free forever from this curse called morlaity [ thinking about it if It didn't develop like that I could a little bit more brain matter for being smart ha ha giga Brain lmao] And don't even think about saying if it evolved it would probably be good for us . no isn't good for us , its good for the society yes, but it does nothing for us [ the reason we even have it probably so we could work with each other which makes us more likely to survive] beneficial to the society We take care of the Injured so they can heal and help us instead of just d¥ing, help the elderly as even though they cant hunt but they are knowledgeable and know many crafts which might be helpful for the survival of the collective, help the young ones as they can't do nothing on their own [ reason of them being like this and not other animals like girraf or cows progeny who can walk under and hour is due to us being bipedal and hence having a narrow pelvic so we can't give birth to fully advanced babies ] cool isn't it Now again don't even dare say we'll by being in a collective is good for you as your survival chances go up [ now listen sherlock if you do that then I will I will will! Do nothing as I can't I am just a guy behind the screen writing this so take all this with a grain of salt ok :) [ would love to read some arguments to my claims as I certainly might be wrong ] on that note I would recommend the author to read up on moral nihilism or at the very least moral relativeism and if you can give a try to [ genealogy of morality by Friedrich Nietzsche ] it's not that hard of a read so I think you should give him a try and if you already have then that is very good [ I am not a native English speaker as it's not my first language or even second it's actually my 4th so cut me some slack] Sorry for my Ted talk and I hope everyone has a nice day :) [ sorry for the censored words webnovel was shadowing so had to go ham on the censorship] ]

    Book&Literature · ThatOminousBird
  • XLucifer_AceX

    This is trash will all fake reviews I red only one 8 chapters and was confused af from the start it felt as if chunks of information is missing nothing is explained about anything the "villan" is somehow jealous of the mc the mc became unusually close to the mistress of crimson crow for no reason. The encounter even left the mc tortured even still he wasn't vary to see her anyone with half a brain cell will stay away from that women. The reason for the kidnapping isn't explained. I quit literally felt as if I was skipping things two hapters in I knew this was trash. Checked the reviews thought it might get better never did realised the reviews are fake made by bots,newaccounts, and other woodbee authors trading 5 star reviews. This is trash don't waste your time :)

    My Life as a Villain
    Fantasy · Hannah_King_6215
  • XLucifer_AceX

    I love the story and the mc being evil or moraly questionable, I can see some inspirations from similar characters like Deculein von Grahan-Yukline [ from the villan wants to live ] or Ferzen Von Schweig Louerg/butane [ from the villan who robbed the Heroine] . While reading the synopsis I didn't have much hope for the novel as the synopsis is confusing and doesn't really explain much so hope you change it or make it better at the very least, as it will help you get more readers. also i know its kinda shallow but change the cover as we might like to say " dont judge a book by its cover" But most of us can be blamed to do so . Coming back from that tengent I am still confused as to who the mc is? [ I think he is the transmigrator with the memories of both the twins ] on that point, is the reincarnator supposed to be the hero/actual mc of the original story ? I saw the author doesn't want more then one female love intrest which i can understand why so . as we do live in a monogamous society! where being faithful to your wife as a man is seen as a virtue and all that other B$. which I can understand as I wouldn't want my significant other to be che@ting on me but on the other hand why can't I do it I know it's hypocritical of me to say that and it might possibly hurt the feelings of my wife/gf [ as we should treat others how we would want them to treat us ] but I don't give a rats a## about it and I would probably marry some one who might have similar thinking And possibly might agree to it [ thinking About it doesn't seem highly likely I would ever be abel to find them lmao ]. but what can I do I am not but a simple egotistical, hypocritical ,instinct driven selfish b@rb@rian of a human or rather should I say a smartm0nk£y a smart one but a m0nk£y nonetheless . Sorry for my rant But what I am trying to say is before the advent of Christianity, having a harem of women was commen. And it is also rooted in biology as evolutionary wise the more we f0rnic@te the better for our species thus more chances of survival for the species basic darwinn evolution!!!! Yaaay The author also seems to not think highly of morals from my understanding atleast. so I don't think he should be bound by the morals of Today's society especially when the mc is supposed to be a selfish evil person, on top of that the setting of the novel is in a medieval fantasy setting world in which power rules. generally our past has shown us humans in power with high charisma and looks are very very very attractive to women and generally tend to have harems many examples of this can be seen in the past or even now [ looking at you gigachad [ the meme ] ] Now I know many people might criticize it and say impossible or illogical and what not but come on this is a fantasy world with actual God [d@ MM] magic and the mc is the one around whom the whole world revolves around come one he is the main character!! the literal main f@#$ing character god[ d@ MM ] it [ i get angry when i see coments like this even if the story has harem tag ] so as I was saying I definitely recommend for a harem. Now I know the author might not want to do it as it's up to him as in the end it is his story but in my opinion if you can't commit to it fully at the very least make him a playb0y. Now on to some of my criticism the mc seems too constrained by his personality and his obsession with cleanness which can be much at times as it hampers him to do things which can be a bit of a weakness in my opinion the mc should be Abel to command him self to do things as someone said "a true Villain Is not someone who can be cruel to others but rather someone who can be cruel to himself " [ I don't know who and even if it is correct but it rings true to me so I said it ] I hope the mc sidelines morality when trying to make a good villan as I have seen many authors mess up the story due to the Villain Turning good or whatever b$ but also do not make the mc so cold and uncaring as to make him a unrelated soulless corpse with not a shred of humanity so much so we cant relate to him and feel somewhat a part of the story and abel to understand him The author and the mc have to understand one thing that morals are chains made by the , society that binds you to be a sl@ve of its desires!! and do its bidding and please it by doing something ' good' irrespective of your own gain or loss its a curse that drags you into a life of mediocrity and chains you to it forever and be nothing but an insignificant character in your life achieving nothing being labeled a loser or avrage . If you please the society, you are a moral, righteous upstanding, person with a good character and are inspirational to other the society tells them to follow your path and strive to be like you , you are put on a pedistal and prased to the high heavens . but god forbid if you dare put yourself before the society you will be labeled as a c0w@rd selfish pice of s@#$t you will be draged through the mud all you life's achievement in the past or all the 'good' that you might have done in the past amount to nothing you are labeled a monster a demon a devil your name cursed for all of eternity and you become a shame on the lifes of the people you love and cherish the ones who you might be connected to, to them you not but a blight in their life a stain to get rid of a mere annoyance you might be h@ng£d, k!ll£d, t0rtur£d and the ones doing it will be prased and celebrated as heroes who ended evil for the greater good pftt... hahaha.....hahaha....hahaha If something bad happens to you that means you probably deserved it and if people try to show sympathy or even a shred of pitty towards you they'll also be labeled as evil and all of this for what putting? your self above others!!?? Sorry can't do this To be nothing in your life but i mere sl@v£to the society sorry but i am not some altruistic €u@k who would let that happen as if . hence you shall get rid of these metaphoric chains as fast as you can. Now Some people might say well i have bested you , and your claims forget to take empathy in the equation and well too that I say f•@k that empathy which is nothing but a useless mutating in our genome which resulted in the ventomedial prefrontal cortex [vmPFC] It's a part of the Brain responsible for many things but among them one is empathy so if you get injured or due to some complications it dosent do its intended job then you will have no morals or as I like to call it truly be Truly free forever from this curse called morlaity [ thinking about it if It didn't develop like that I could a little bit more brain matter for being smart ha ha giga Brain lmao] And don't even think about saying if it evolved it would probably be good for us . no isn't good for us , its good for the society yes, but it does nothing for us [ the reason we even have it probably so we could work with each other which makes us more likely to survive] beneficial to the society We take care of the Injured so they can heal and help us instead of just d¥ing, help the elderly as even though they cant hunt but they are knowledgeable and know many crafts which might be helpful for the survival of the collective, help the young ones as they can't do nothing on their own [ reason of them being like this and not other animals like girraf or cows progeny who can walk under and hour is due to us being bipedal and hence having a narrow pelvic so we can't give birth to fully advanced babies ] cool isn't it Now again don't even dare say we'll by being in a collective is good for you as your survival chances go up [ now listen sherlock if you do that then I will I will will! Do nothing as I can't I am just a guy behind the screen writing this so take all this with a grain of salt ok :) [ would love to read some arguments to my claims as I certainly might be wrong ] on that note I would recommend the author to read up on moral nihilism or at the very least moral relativeism and if you can give a try to [ genealogy of morality by Friedrich Nietzsche ] it's not that hard of a read so I think you should give him a try and if you already have then that is very good [ I am not a native English speaker as it's not my first language or even second it's actually my 4th so cut me some slack] Sorry for my Ted talk and I hope everyone has a nice day :) [ sorry for the censored words webnovel was shadowing so had to go ham on the censorship]

    I Became the Villain
    Fantasy · GeneralAverage
  • XLucifer_AceX

    This novel is stupid you can't have brain surgery to make a brain-dead person alive even kid knows that brains are like hard drive they have all the memory and whatnot. the synopsis and the first chapter don't match up in the synopsis it's a pool of blood on another it's just her being unresponsive to external stimuli [ brain dead] or whatever drone means. The doctor was acting like a Chinese store Clark and being insensitive and rude any medical professional wouldn't be that rude, insensitive, and unprofessional also, anesthesia is not generally taken orally like some magical pill but given through injection‚inhalation or rectal as they work fast and the pill will take almost 115 minutes to start and after the surgery, the wife would probably not be able to do anything for at least 10 months much less bask in the sunshine and read notes again the author seems stupid dude you could have just used the truck Kun and be done with if you are not a good author stop trying to show off your uniqueness by being weird as you look like a clown trying to be unique and stand out and gain attention also endorphins are hormones that make you feel pleasure and lesson things like pain and stress so I don't know why you would want to stop it just stop using random words you have heard on the internet and if you want to be unique at least do a simple Google search before you use it you clown.

    Fight After Death
    Fantasy · WaifuGod
  • XLucifer_AceX

    £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp £xp

    I transmigrated into an Apocalypse Novel
    Urban · _God_King
  • XLucifer_AceX


    Ch 15 Notice
    Becoming A Star Using My Past Lives!
    Fantasy · TastesLikeU
  • XLucifer_AceX

    Wait you want to feel the taste of despair?????? What man are you a masochist or something will thus have a tragic ending or NTR or the harem will die, dude, I don't know about you but most people don't want to feel " the taste of despair " not to be rude or something but you should look at the meaning of despair it means "losing all hope" and I don't think anyone wants that maybe you meant to say sadness as it's a part of life but if this novel has tragic despair-inducing story then sorry not my cup of tea

    Immortal Blood Monarch
    Fantasy · Sabin_Subedi_Fei
  • XLucifer_AceX

    Will it have romance?? I hope they become allies and then they develop feelings for each other 《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《《》》 《《《《《《《》》》》》》》 ?????????????? ////////////////.............../////////................../////////............///////////..............//////// ////////////////............./////////////////...........

    System vs Rebirth
    Fantasy · Fixten
  • XLucifer_AceX
    Replied to Justsome_nobody

    Man, it's a piece of fiction and the author can take some liberties from the norm of society and monogamous relationships. Harem; I know many people dislike it but it's not as if it's something new before Christianity it was fairly common for successful people to have them so it's not something truly out of the realm of reality and possibility; Take the example of throuple. and it's not as if having a system is logical so why do you point it out as being illogical? Either give a good reason or just don't :) ( I am not trying to be rude or sarcastic sorry it feels like that) I have seen people giving one Star to the novel saying "harem" and "illogical" and whatnot the tags say it's a harem read if you want it's up to them but they do it anyway or they are jealous of the mc or something like that. because I just substitute myself in the place of the mc and I don't hate it. Any man in this world would not hate having more than one woman ( of course, I am not talking about people who are dedicated to their relationship) but you get what I mean Anyway, all the complaints I have seen related to harem are something along the line of being illogical and being too easy for the love interest to fall too fast ( which I kinda get if that happens for no reason. But if the mc is competent it's not something impossible; I mean come one he is the protagonist the world story revolves around them) I will say it again this is a piece of fiction it doesn't have to follow what happens in the real world if the author subtlety changes it no problem ( but not too much ) anyway sorry for the rant

    Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood
    Fantasy · DreamThree
  • XLucifer_AceX
    Replied to DreamThree

    No I am not saying the mc to stop making songs in the story I am just saying you to stop spending your time on writing lyrics instead use some copyright free music or something idk. I just don't want you make songs for the story and put in story as it feels like filler chapters . what I like about the story is the reaction of the fans; them arguing and being angry on Twitter blah blah blah. what I am saying is instead of focusing on the production part I think you should focus on the reaction of the fans. I also hope you add multiple females lead just for flings or something idk I mean it hollywood ( this doesn't mean ntr) though I like your other fanfic it's more focused on the production part which is interesting but fells pretty repetitive to me it would be better if you show a bit more what fans think about the mc. something like kpop stans and how they support and comment on their favorite bands ( minus the toxicity ofcourse) sorry for any mistake I am not native English speaker

    Ch 30 [Bonus chapter] | Chapter 30. Lonely
    Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood
    Fantasy · DreamThree
  • XLucifer_AceX

    I hope he bangs the empress and also this is looking really good just don't make the mc like generic self righteous hero with flawed morals make him a player if you know what mean i am not asking for a huge harem but I hope he is in atleast S€×ual relationships with some character and he bangs the empress

    Ch 16 Empress Mizuki Yamato
    Abyssal Firmament
    Fantasy · Risks
  • XLucifer_AceX

    Dude I can understand the author genuinely trying to make the story more realistic and better with actual supposedly original lyrics [I am not sure ] but its just the lyrics and and emojis with almost no plot it feels like the I have been cheated only the soup with nothing more that kinda felling inside of just him singing it should be more about him writing those songs and people reaction and what not this chapter was just like cotton cand 99% air it's kind disappointing ( again I can understand the hard work of the author but I am not here to read lyrics but actual story I hope you improve on that again I have nothing against you but I need more plot) sorry for any mistakes I am not fluent in English and I am kinda sleepy:)

    Ch 30 [Bonus chapter] | Chapter 30. Lonely
    Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood
    Fantasy · DreamThree
  • XLucifer_AceX

    Although the idea Is not something new but still not many novels have used this type of setting. I have read novels like this in which the author/readers get reincarnated in the world of the story in this one the novel became a reality like omniscient reader I can see the initial chapters somewhat have been inspired by it . In this type of novels the mc is reincarnated as a mob character and what not then he tries to be low key and unassuming so the hero of the story who is a danger magnet will not interact with him which is stupid and sometimes times the author doesn't take items form the hero so the hero can fight all the 'badguys' and defeat them or he doesn't want to change the plot because he wants to take advantage of it later on its also stupid as any one familiar to the chaos butterfly 🦋 knows that hin knowing the future has already changed the story irreversibly forever. And I hate it hope the author does not do it also the writing feels off to me like like it's missing word and sentences though it might be the writing style of the author or it might sound weird because I am using text to speech but their is definitely something wrong. Also the mc kinda seems like a retarded person I mean who will not find the sight of three purple commits not odd enough to remember his story I know he wrote it long ago blah blah but man he invested 70 Frickin years of his life I accepted him to atleast connect it faster then again it might be the writing style of the author [sorry for any mistakes I am not a native English speaker and I am also sleepy :) ]

    This book has been deleted.
  • XLucifer_AceX

    I hope the mc actively participate in the beyonder world instead of just using other people I also dont like the fact that his new organization is Sean just as the minions of Klein/ foll it makes it feel like the mc is helping Klein to cover his @ss in the whole novel Klein is just a pawn though an important one he was still a pawn I hope the mc join the tarot club as an equal or above the fool using his cheat to troll it would be funny watching the poverty of others. I also hope you add some sort of symbol as symbols are very impacfull idk something like a split golden and violet eye with a infinite symbol or something instead of just a cheap plastic blank Mask I hope he gets a bit original also it feels as if the mc is not using his powers correctly he can use it to do wacky stuff like change probabilities on a cosmic scale see the future using something like Laplace or something using maths he can also change aspects of reality and deny anything he wants example he dies well he can revive he wants to learn to play guitar well he can manipulate the past and do it also id the mc becomes to powerful make it multiverse like fate from type moon or re creator those anime gave some broken mc he can be a creator in re creator or an servant in the fate series like alo make it a heram based and make slice of life arc with mc being into things like music art and whatnot along things like being in the past and subtly changing it make it cool hope you read this and reply ( sorry for any mistakes I am new to english)

    Lord of the Mysteries: The Anarchy
    Book&Literature · ePythagoras
  • XLucifer_AceX
    Replied to Immortal_17

    What pathetic bull$hit are you spouting you stupid excuse of an author do you understand you are denying the truth. why is everyone here complaining about the mc being a pushover beta male? You use the excuse that he can't defeat the dangers in the future and he is "using the hero" to deal with the problem you your self admitted that the mc is not cunning and smart does this not show he is just running from the probability of him not being able to defeat the enemy in the future. H is a pu$$y so he just makes everyone stronger. I don't understand authors like you who say that reality dosent work like that and pull $hit like him just being a errand boy for the hero will save is neck instead of using the meta knowledge he has about the game and the future. ooh forget you are a pu$$y of a author who makes beat male mc who have no goal in life and are full of insecurities dude everyone who read novel want to experience something they can never like having a heram or just being powerful and having people respect them and generally being higher on the social hierarchy everyone want what they don't have but you instead make a pathetic excuse of a mc it's a advice either delete the nove or write something better if you hate criticism and insult you insecure ba$t@rd ( i am new to English so don't mind any mistakes) this is a novel a pice of fiction and any insult or criticism you get that are genuine then you are being wrong mind you its almost everyone who comments says the same then maybe you are wrong get out of your shell and see the truth author

    Reborn As The Villain
    Fantasy · Immortal_17
  • XLucifer_AceX

    I hope you don't Make him average looking and act normal and as a side character to avoid problems and don't change the story as him even knowing the world is a story changes everything I have seen in these type of story the mc just wants to live as a side character and is average looking and the novels have no romance instead you should make it like trash of the counts faimly make him collect the overpowered items and become op and have romance and hope you add atleast 2-3 wommen and try making it heram if not that just s*x friends I know a lot of people don't like heram because the girls fall in love with the mc very fast but that is stupid as it's a story and author are lazy and know people reading these type of novel are looking for instant gratification so do something like make him the most handsome man and give him passive chrisma skill so it will make more sense and things skills that make the a more emotional and frank about their felling I know a lot fo people hate it but its not that bad and also hope you add some r18 scene I know a lot of stories in which the authors just skipped it it dosent feel good to read ot the mc never f××kx the female mc hope you do this I haven't read it now but I hope you read this comment and take my advice and you can take some liberties in the common sense as it's a story and you just need to tell the reasons why that happened if you try to follow reality the book won't become popular as a lot of people read these boook of escape from reality this doesn't imply you don't explain and give atleast a vague reasoning to situations that dosent conform to our reality and most people who hate herams hate it because they are probably single and Are bummed about the mc getting all the girls easily and just blame it not being stupid because it's not how girls normally behave while completely ignoring that they are reading a fictional work made by some author who is super bussy and cant drag the romance arc to long and go in detail also they ignore all the mystical parts of the story like Cultivation,superpower,system and many more and they take their frustration by saying things like the girls are falling for mc forr no reason no shi*t sherlock he is the mc the main f*ckin protoganist the world is made for him and his story not a native English speaker

    Inside a novel as the Hero's useless brother
    Fantasy · Averanges
  • XLucifer_AceX
    Replied to Afakasi

    I know what you are trying to say and I know it would have been difficult for him to gain so much power because of disruptive technology such as use of gun powder and guns but If the author wanted he could have extended the interaction of him with is vassals and people general reaction towards all the things bhe brought form modern world he could have also made something like the red book by Mao from ccp and write howbto basically society should work and I am not sure if you read anymore or not it's just war smut war and again smut I am just say their bis to much imphesis on the war and smut part and if it's not war or smut is the heram member fighting constantly over the mc and who will succeed him even though he told them it would be whoever is the best also all the child are not even introduced properly accept Hans and he has not dad + kid bonding time he didn't teach his kids properly and its just Hans who is favorite of the author even though mc knows that not teaching the heirs of the empire how to rule and what notbi know bthat are small but whatever

    Heir of Aurelian
    History · Zentmeister
  • XLucifer_AceX

    Although the idea Is fresh its not new I have seen it only 2 time and the authors of the novels dropped it so I hope you can do better and not drop I also hope you get a bit original in the all the new race names like cursed undead, necrosis undead , blood abomination, and some baddass sounding name( my one sound awful U _ U ) instead of using words like warrior high comander and what not just feels like some mobs In some rpg to collect exp it dosent feels exclusive to the mc and the idea that he can combine two beneficial trait from two eace like the night vision from owls and farsight from eagel wings from doves eco location and from bats and combine them their is a lot of potential but you just focus on zombies who due to constantly being shown as week and pathetic just feels off and its not that zombie are some unique things all undead have the perks for not getting tired hope you rename the novel to something better get past naming the the race of the mc as some weak sounding mob form rpg English is not my native language

    RE:BORN Zombie
    Fantasy · Killix_Kreed
  • XLucifer_AceX

    I hope you don't make the same mistake of the tryanny of steel and introduce the guns to fast and focus on cold weapons and infrastructure also it would be nice to see more kingdom building instead of war and also hope you introduce heram as its fairly common for powerful men to have them and it died after Christianity took over and to all the people who complain about the girls falling for the mc easily in tryanny of steel are stupid first he is the mc second he is handsome third he is rich and powerful and in old days where daughters wear wed to just gain some profit and have to say in whatsoever its not hard to imagine why they fell for him being liberal and all the above reason so they are just stupid I hope you add heram in this also hope this novel also has the mc writing books on philosophy and what not as he lived in the future and describe how thing might be in future English is not my native tongue sorry

    Heir of Aurelian
    History · Zentmeister