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  • Stolen_Name

    The benifits here far outweighs the losses.

    "The greedy little things aught to be furious that there was an heir to the fortune this whole time right under their noses. Be careful around the things or they'll trick you with a shifty deal in order to empty the vault for themselves." Helena warned seriously. "Besides that you need the ring in order to find our family home. Mother placed special wards on the place so that only the current lord or lady with that ring could find it if they weren't keyed into them." she revealed casually.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    Wait, you didn't care if she died, but are happy that she survived?

    "My mother was quite distressed about this you know , to the point she hid all information in regards to my little sisters birth. One day shortly after she was born mother took her away and then simply didn't return with my little sister. I never asked what had become of her and had simply assumed that mother had left her in the woods somewhere to die. You can imagine my surprise to discover that she had survived long enough to continue our family line." Helena said enthusiastically. Nick was a bit weirded out at how happy this ghost seemed compared to her book counter part that was very quiet and broody.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    As I said, it was an overreaction.

    "But!" Nick went to protest but she stopped him "I am a healer child , I know the implications about what Albus did better than almost anyone. I am not saying not to be angry , merely that you not let it cloud your vision. Did you even notice that you came close to crossing a dangerous line earlier before Severus stopped you?" She asked gently and Nick froze as he realized he was about to legitimately try and kill Dumbledore earlier. Sure it was in the heat of the moment but that was unacceptable behavior no matter what the reason.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    How is that bloodline test a curse magic? or Dark magic?

    "I had never guessed that his bloodline would be what it was and while I admit to knowing about his reluctance to be tested I assumed it was just that , reluctance." Dumbledore said defending his actions. "You didn't get the blood necessary for the test with his permission did you?" Mcgonagall asked coldly and the old man grimaced since that was indeed the worst part about this situation. It was public knowledge that many dark spells or curses require the blood of the victim to be willingly given. However Dumbledore had exploited the loophole and used his authority as the magical guardian to use it without Nick's consent.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    Am I missing something why is everyone reacting as if he got cursed or something.

    Meanwhile Mcgonagall and Flitwick both had stony expressions as they looked at Dumbledore who throughout this entire event hadn't spoken a word. He never got the chance really as Nick had clearly been about to full on attack him in anger when Severus stopped him. The broody potions teacher may not be a very expressive man but the headmaster could see the disappointment in the man's eyes. Nick was excused from todays classes and breakfast ended without any other disruptions but the damage had already been done.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    Over reaction much?

    The very air in the great hall suddenly seemed to become stagnant and the Gryffindor table groaned and cracked as an invisible pressure fell upon it. Nick lips were pulled back in a vicious snarl of pure unadulterated rage as the hand hold his pewter cup crushed it without any regards to the shards of metal that stabbed his hand. Sparks of electricity and fire popped off from Nicks holstered wand as it vented the rampaging magical energy he was releasing. Everyone within twenty feet of him suddenly paled and shivered in fear as the feeling of a dragon waking up in a foul mood came over them.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    So as far as you don't know that someone was raped, they weren't raped?

    This meant that by publicly exposing Nick in this way he had suddenly brought what may be a line of hidden wizards to the public forefront. The amount attention this will bring to Nick is undoubtedly going to raise the boys anger to a terrifying level. Sure Nick may benefit greatly from the sudden lordship but Dumbledore was aware of the boys aversion to the idea of relying on his heritage to succeed. None of this even considered how the grey lady herself may react to this news which is a subject Dumbledore was dreading to think about.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to waterworld771

    Rather figuring out a way to have them know of something that may let them feel atleast a little comfortable in your presence, don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be.

    Nick was odd from a personality aspect as well to Dumbledore as he was warm , cold , friendly , dismissive , proud and secretive all at the same time. 'It was no wonder the sorting took so long , the boy is perfect for every house.' the old man thought with a chuckle. Dumbledore had noticed Nick slowly distancing himself from his friends but considering that he also preferred to spend his time working or studying Dumbledore didn't consider it odd. The fear the boy showed towards him was rather extreme however which was what had prompted Dumbledore to this action since he assumed that fear may vanish if he acquired some political backing.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to Valinal_Addams

    She's much upfront and honest with her intentions though.

    Nick shook his head "So long as I don't go trying the spell out on myself I'll be just fine." he said reassuringly. "You wouldn't happen to be willing to share said spell right?" Tracy asked while giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Nope!" Nick with a grin as she looked horrified that it didn't work. "One of these days I'll get you to spill those juicy secrets of yours!" She vowed indignant at her loss. "The only thing you'll get from me is what I no longer have a need for." Nick said with a wide smirk. "I really hate you sometimes." Tracy complained. Nick cackled madly "Good! Let the hate flow through you!" he said imitating a certain character.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to SSDreadnought

    NGL if I find that someone has good taste in food, I'd definitely keep an eye on their selections menu. That's just how foodies are.

    Tracy huffed upset at her many losses despite Nicks words but she didn't continue to complain about her bad luck. Dinner was an interesting affair as Nick ordered something totally new as far as everyone was concerned. It was a large bowl filled with rich fish broth , spring onions , a few slices of eel(not that they knew) and a bunch of noodles with two pieces of seaweed on the side. Despite the rich foods around them the other students around Nick couldn't help but be attracted to his meal. Dumbledore had of course also ordered a bowl of the stuff for himself having found that Nick had good taste in food in the past.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to AvidReader962

    Snape never got a pass, but neither could James. He's one of the reasons Snape became death Eater in the first place.

    It was so bad that the brief glimpse of it that was seen in the books was enough to make Nick hate the man at that time in his life. Bullies like James Potter and his friends were different than normal bullies in that they actually went out of their way to target Snape who was minding his own business rather than it being a convenience thing. 'He's dead , calm down.' Nick chastised himself for starting to get worked up by the thoughts of the unchangeable past. "If all goes well I should be able to get my workshop set up by monday. So you can come visit me sometime to check it out during our free periods." Nick said changing the subject.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to Elkion36

    Well people who are unable to write can request someone to write on their behalf in exams. I doubt he wouldn't be allowed to have a helping hand.

    'If the books are anything to go by this doesn't get any better over the years either.' Nick thought dreadfully as the ghost droned on and on about some first major Grimclaw who captured a castle and that was the only significant thing the goblin ever did. Nick gave up on this class mentally and decided that he would just focus his mind on other more fruitful things instead of wasting his time since the teacher didn't even question the students. Nick doubted that the ghost would even notice if he studied other things during the class instead.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to KalebRodriguez

    A cave filled with weapons and radioactive materials made by his own industry. Yeah? Besides, before making that mini arc reactor, he had a parent model that was made after years of research and tons of RESOURCES. Be realistic. Materialistic world will always require materials. That's the rule. Even if you're a religious scholar, you cannot deny this, because even in almost all religion, it is believed that praying to God will grant you the help and means to overcome the troubles you're facing. Even religions that believes in divine miracles have general sense of reliance on materialistic means. From what I can guess, you're a fairly young lad. Get out of that dreamland and get yourself back to reality, because this is where you get the chance to have your dreams turn into reality.

    I unpacked my luggage fixed up my room and then changed into my clothes, and spent some time looking over the development of Mark 5, it was coming along well, the main core was being built right now, Tony had designed this armour to adjust the arc reactor that was located inside his body but since I dont have it in me I tweaked the armour so it can adjust the arc reactor as an plug in battery to power the armour.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Stolen_Name

    If I could be anything, why would be the NEXT someone? Why would I want to be another one? I'd rather be the first of my kind. Then again, that dream is as hard to come true as getting the diamonds that rained on Jupiter.

    The group chatted about themselves quietly as they waited for the first step of the potion to finish. Nick explained about his amnesia and how he didn't actually care if he actually was a muggleborn or not which is why he had chosen not to take the Gringotts test. "You aren't even a little curious , for all you know you could be the long lost descendant of merlin or something." Tracy said not understanding his thinking. Nick shrugged "It's simply no fun to just have everything given to you because of your bloodline. I'd rather earn it all with my own effort and become the next merlin instead." he said proudly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    Chill. He's simply putting up a pretense for the girls to fall for him...... You know what, now you can freak out rightfully.

    The group chatted about themselves quietly as they waited for the first step of the potion to finish. Nick explained about his amnesia and how he didn't actually care if he actually was a muggleborn or not which is why he had chosen not to take the Gringotts test. "You aren't even a little curious , for all you know you could be the long lost descendant of merlin or something." Tracy said not understanding his thinking. Nick shrugged "It's simply no fun to just have everything given to you because of your bloodline. I'd rather earn it all with my own effort and become the next merlin instead." he said proudly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to T_O_P_A_Z

    I had two relationships, both ended because of family disapproval. The thing is both relationships were initiated by my exes. I'm not rich, nor am I famous.

    Nick met other first years at around this time that were also exploring the castle like , Terry Boot , both of the Patil twins Padma and Parvati who had somehow got put in separate houses and even Daphne Greengrass. The last of which tried ignore his existence as she passed him in the hallway , but Nick wouldn't be himself if he didn't try and get her attention. "Your hair looks nice. What soap do you use?" he asked while acting innocent. The cold brunette almost tripped from the shock that came from someone in Gryffindor talking to her who was in Slytherin.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name

    Gosh people are so much paranoid that it makes me afraid to even think of lending a helping hand to someone

    As a result unlike in the book there was still plenty of rooms empty in the train that they could set up in. Nick chose a room at the back of the train that was seriously out of the way to see if the events of the story would still happen despite his intervention. Low and behold one nervous redhead with freckles peaked his head in the doorway just before before the train set off. Nick noticed that the boy in question immediately locked onto Harry's forehead , or more specifically his scar before he asked if he could sit in with them.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to RustyBoi

    Read again, he mixed galleon with goblin silver. Not sure what size does a galleon have not am I sure if 'half' here is figurative or accurate.

    Doing this not only infused the metal with his magic raising it's affinity to him but also powered the machine. This was an efficient process that only took five minutes to complete leaving a white gold alloy heavily favored to the silver with a loss of about half the pre-smelted material which stung a bit but was acceptable. Nick grabbed the crucible with the special tongs located on the side of the machine and carefully poured the molten metal into the mold but frowned when he was left with half of the material and so made a split second decision to grab the bird ring mold as well.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to SRM69

    I'm sure you understand this, but this is a marketting strategy. That wand's story makes it clear that not anyone would've matched with it. So if someone does, they have a future that will be filled with fame. Which also will draw attention to the wand and the wand maker. Besides, as implied, he's already being paid plenty from magic ministry.

    Nick took the wand makers hand in a daze after hearing the story behind his wand as it was beyond strange and fantastical. 'I'll need to check the wand with the system later to try and figure out more about it.' he decided worriedly. "For the privilege of matching you with your wand today I won't even charge you lads." Olivander said with a happy smile. Harry and Nick left the shop with totally different thoughts on what had just happened. Harry was excited and happy for Nick , while Nick himself was worried that this might come back to bite him in the backside.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to Isaiah10

    It's really wierd to think that anyone would have knowledge about SEXUAL PREFERENCES of someone whose actual existence is yet to be proven.

    "You see both the wood and core of that wand are unique in that they both came from the only example of their species to ever be found. The wood was found in the tomb of an ancient alchemist along with a runic message that said "First mans mistake" to date what that implied is a matter of debate. The core however was the only feather taken by the offspring of a phoenix and a thunderbird. Both species are notoriously proud and powerful and so when a miracle child was born of both many sought to obtain it."
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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