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Uau, que sinopse maravilhosa
Will the real one come into action??
What was this????? release the next chapter quickly 😳😳😳😳
You gained a new reader
All I can say is, if you don't stop I'll keep reading.......
This work has everything to be one of the best here, just our dear author doesn't get discouraged, he's going far,"um recado na minha língua nativa, autor se desanime, viram muitos pra tentarem te derrubar, mas lembre-se, você sempre terá apoios de muitos outros, vários que não vão comentar ou te dar uma crítica, mas que estarão sempre te acompanhando silenciosamente." Good luck
By not turning the protagonist into an idiot later, or doing the same thing you described in the first chapter later, the story will be very good
A born psychopath
I'm already looking forward to seeing what will happen.