of reading
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You could probably incorporate Push and Race to Witch Mountain in this universe.
You write a damm good story. Keep up the good work.
Love this story.
This is a very good novel. Very hilarious
Bwahaha. People are so dumb. Sorry you have to deal with that. You have a great story going here. Keep going. You are doing great.
Sad to see this get dropped. You had a very good story line going. Your writing was rather very good. It was a clear and coherent thought process. If you decide to keep writing please do. You have very good skills.
Really good story. Nice and short and concise
You honestly could do 2-3 a week and be fine. Your writing is wonderful and I like to wait a week or so to do a stockpile read. Your awesome Author
Welcome back. Excited for the continuation story had me worried you were dropping it.
Personally think a time skip would work. But you also need to create a skeleton of the story. You have the Big Bang, assassin creed and John wick story lines already introduced. Maybe a rewrite when you have a better structure. Love the way you write right now. You know how to write and write well.