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Well,.....there are all kinds of people, from the cheap to the richest, who also pay taxes... that is, it isn't illegal in my country, as long as they comply by paying... the taxes .-. ... Anyway, I will never think badly of a prostitute, because I don't live in a bubble, I had the opportunity to talk with one when she's not in her job, the world is cruel and vain, there are people who would rather die than do that. Still, other people literally cannot die, because their life is not only theirs (they have family and children... the government doesn't do anything .-. )... and it's quick money... Nobody knows about anyone... that's why Jesus forgave a prostitute...
The FOX Films I mean.... Disney bought it anyway
Friend? ≡[。。]≡
Why is Dumbledore not in Slytherin or Ravenclaw so?
Both of them are masterminds involved in politics and persuasion, ambition, etc... it's more like an Slytherin than Gryffindor
Si usa a Ryuk para darle las respuestas :v .... literalmente es una deus ex machina
Hahahaha... Light acts...