


voice actor and writer, trying to market themselves in a way that they never have before lololol discord: haru~sama#1129

2021-12-15 JoinedUnited States



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  • Ryo_Toujo

    you're doing great, Seas <3

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  • Ryo_Toujo

    Contrary to the synopsis, whats's within this novel is more than just a cooking story. Sekai-Ryouri is a work that has many layers, and transcends genres. It has the competitiveness of a sports series, the twists and turns of a drama, enough gags to be humorous, tugs at the heartstrings like a romance, and can even be very heart-pumping like a suspenseful work. And though as of today and this writing, all of that may not be present, it will be in the grand scheme of things. It is not perfect. I don't think that any work is. But if all of the above - or any of the above - interest you, I highly advise you to take a look inside of the world of Sekai-Ryouri. Hopefully you'll come to like it as much as I do.

    Urban · Ryo_Toujo
  • Ryo_Toujo


    "That's how you a tie a shoe. You're telling me how to tie a shoe right now."
    The Last of the Thundersouls
    Fantasy · Wizedex
  • Ryo_Toujo

    i really enjoyed the tone established early on, as well as the character interactions and reactions given. the worldbuilding is excellent, and its very easy to get into this book despite not truly knowing what'd you'd be getting into. i can't say i have many (if any) critiques so early on, so i can definitely vouch this as a good, immersive read! the hard work is made very apparent!

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  • Ryo_Toujo

    large fan of how vague this chapter is, and the implications of what many of the events that occurred will probably come back later. feels like there's foreshadowing throughout.

    Ch 3 Oneiric Discourse
    Ode to Sorcery
    Fantasy · Apoqliphoth
  • Ryo_Toujo

    she's so fcking sick

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Ode to Sorcery
    Fantasy · Apoqliphoth
  • Ryo_Toujo
    Replied to Naescent

    of course! i'm looking forward to the continuation of your work!

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  • Ryo_Toujo

    i love how despite Matt's entire world had been altered, its still very grounded in reality. i still have yet to read the third chapter, but it was very cool to see that even though he had found motivation in the agility point, his body was literally too weak to get him there. many stories would just have the protag bs their way to the goal, but it's really good to see the pacing the author has used. the only critique I have is really loose, and one that is one that many of us still have to get accustomed to doing, and that's showing rather than telling. but I will admit, that that's more nitpicky than constructive, and a skill gained with time. With where we are now, I'm very excited to see the progression of this story.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Ryo_Toujo

    Three chapters in and its easy to tell that this book is one that paces itself quite well. Aside from a major shock in Chapter 2, and the semblance of one in Chapter 1, the story moves at a gentle pace- initially at least, It likely isn't everyone's cup of tea, but what room there is for shock value, is instead replaced by character interaction and dialogue - something I feel is equally important within a story. So in short, come for the overarching plot, but stay for the characters that develop thanks to the world within!

    The Last of the Thundersouls
    Fantasy · Wizedex
  • Ryo_Toujo


    "If it makes the fighting stop, please proceed Megi." he said in a flat tone.
    Ode to Sorcery
    Fantasy · Apoqliphoth
  • Ryo_Toujo

    as of this writing, i've just finished chapter 2, which going by the synopsis, is on the precipice of the meat of the story. that being said, from the opening scene there was a sense of importance and mysterious rush that the author created that is completely welcome. its rare that a book feels like a rush in the same way that a tv show does, but the descriptions used, and continuously moving plot does (helped greatly by the teases at the end of the chapters) an excellent job of keeping things intriguing, and most likely, keeping us coming back for more!

    FFF-Class Corpse
    Fantasy · arkonte
  • Ryo_Toujo

    the author does an excellent job of immediately making us grow sympathetic with Leo, the main character, and does well to show what he had gone through, and why he has the chance at redemption that he does. i imagine the grammatical errors and issues get ironed out as time goes on, but for a story with a strong, engaging start, I can certainly suggest this one!

    Cultivation Timeloop
    Fantasy · Abssysans
  • Ryo_Toujo

    so i just finished the prologue, but the beginning was incredibly strong. the author definitely know how to map a scene and create enough detail to put a picture in mind, which is quite nice since worldbuilding isn't the easiest task. alongside that, the fight scene was really coherent too, which is also a bit difficult to accomplish. most importantly though, they did an excellent job of making the homunculi come off as a big deal. the tension and Arne's stress prior to the realization made that statement come across very heavily, which is important in a first chapter, but hard to execute. i'd add a critique here, but to this point i don't really have one. they've touched all the bases, and if there's a skill they *are* lacking, its hard to tell- at least to this point. i'll gladly be keeping up with this series!

    Ode to Sorcery
    Fantasy · Apoqliphoth
  • Ryo_Toujo

    i really like the author's dialogue! i'm still quite early into the story, but I think they've set the scene pretty well, and the story carries a lot of momentum from the very first chapter. only 'issue' i'd say are grammatical, but those naturally get better with time, and i'm sure those will fade as i catch up to the later chapters, but i'm certainly engaged and would recommend checking this out!

    Fable Of A Hundred Seasons
    Eastern · Petty_Official