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Cursed speech, I meant, I am Spanish speaking, I translate everything with Google translator, I read stories from Google webnovel, I like your story even what I read
It's true, maybe I could use the cursed voice and order the eye to "Change", or use the cursed energy to change it, I don't know.
One question, can he return the Rinnegan in Mangekyou? Since as we know, the Rinnegan is one of Madara's eyes
I don't have Patreon, but please don't do it harem, I don't like harems, please don't do it
I confess that I felt sorry for the owner of Zafari, poor guy, literally that dragonair was like his Pokémon, a friend for years, but Ash used manipulation (to a certain extent for me that is manipulation) To be able to take it just for his own benefit (to have a dragonite op without effort), I seriously felt sorry for the Zafari man
Hola ,yo hablo español,y logró leer tu historia gracias al traductor automático de Google ,y con la añadicion de las letras negritas creo que no podre leerlo bien por qué esas no se traducen si no me equivoco, igual tratare de leer
Why do people sexually like girls from 15 to 10 years old? Ash's classmates are between 10 and 13 years old and besides, yellow is younger I think she is 9
I will give a recommendation, you should kill monoman to take his quirk and then update it so that the copy is permanent, so you don't have to kill a friend or one of his partners to take his power, You can also use the "all for One" to steal his power so as not to kill him
Azaroth god of the void and ciel Sino , Raphael and belzebuth
I hope I go where the gods live in Thor love and thunder to evolve to true demon lord