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  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to Martin_026

    Plot twist enid negotiating with her 20 years ago and defeating her completely or something. But enids too old and does not remember and She cant remember because enid looks way too different in age

    "DAMN INSECT!" she roared. "Forty percent! FORTY PERCENT! I haven't felt this humiliated for two decades."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Eric_Kellar

    yes becoming a walking nightmare that he can control is the ultimate goal he would be near unstoppable

    Perhaps a walking nightmare.
    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • Eric_Kellar

    I really really hope he goes on a rampage and kills all of the other fiends what other way to become absolutely monstrous then to kill and absorb the power of all the other fiends. Perhaps killing all of the fiends would be a gateway that give him the power to kill cardinal weiss and grow even more monstrous

    What would Kieran become if he absorbed all the resentments the other Fiends harbored? 
    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • Eric_Kellar

    This is quite funny because so far its basically only been fools or ignorant/fanatic people waging wars. titus wasting a bunch of young soldier lives on a ant tunnel for no reason then leaving without gaining anything. Karmado waging wars and mutating monsters only for the hill to go up in flames and all to be lost. Priest beyn waging a holy crusade or war throughout all stratums they go through

    Embrace your neighbours, and profit. Only fools and fanatics go to war.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to Chris_Langlois

    that is true tbh i dont even remember the costs for fusion or skill upgrades its been so long. I assume its more expensive then the 1 point it takes to purchase new skills.

    Ch 985 Chapter 1096 - The Third Goes to Hell
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Eric_Kellar

    I hope anthony checks out his skill purchase page. He has a insane amount of skill points by now probably. I bet there are several passives he could purchase or even actives.

    Ch 985 Chapter 1096 - The Third Goes to Hell
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Eric_Kellar

    hopefully this comes back with a good upload scheduel I really hope it does not take a month for new uploads

    Ch 382 The Second Revision's Advantage (I)
    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • Eric_Kellar

    Is this story on hiatus or something havent had a new chap in what feels like a month it was such a good story for a while almost daily uploads too hopefully a good scheduel will come back

    The Second Revision's Advantage (I)
    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to ApexPen

    is this on a hiatus or cancelled ? have not seen a new chapter in almost a month

    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to Neninho

    The vast majority almost all mages likely cant use incantionless magic meaning people will know when and how or even what spell you will use before its used. And even in his case with incantionless it still takes a lot of time and effort to use 1 spell. If someone has a sword to your neck it will probably drastically reduce the persons thoughts or magic efficiency

    "See? That's the weakness of magic users: once you get in their face, they're totally helpless," Veldalla told him.
    Online In Another World
    Fantasy · DelzGB
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to TwistedTsunami

    Probably records his entire brain ( would gather all his memories thoughts feelings etc and transport them to a massive server ) Once the transfer is complete his brain dies and he lives in a new world. ( I havent read anything yet so sorry if its spoilers what im saying. ) just my guess of how it could be possible

    I'm done with this life. I want something else. Is this…it? "Reincarnation Online"? He wondered.
    Online In Another World
    Fantasy · DelzGB
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to ALiVe

    Its hinted that there was even more wrong with his body then even this because he said if he was asked he couldint name everything that was wrong

    ['My name is Ethan Bellrose. Throughout my entire life…I've lived in pain. The sun blisters my skin, the smallest collision cracks my bones, and the outside air is like the plague to me. If I was asked to list what was wrong with my body, it'd be easier to list what was right with it.'
    Online In Another World
    Fantasy · DelzGB
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to BrawlingGod

    its also possible xp doesint solely go off the level of the monsters. i could be wrong again but if a tier 7 basic demon with no mutations and hardly any skills is defeated the fight could be way easier then a rare who has constant maxed mutations and several extremely rare or strong skills. perhaps xp is given by a overall powerlevel meter monsters or humans could have so the common tier demon has a power level of 100 but lets say anthony who has constant max mutations and all kinds of good skills has a power level of 10000 maybe that could effect xp gain

    Level: 3 (Mythic) (VII)
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to BrawlingGod

    i think mythic is like a unique class itself for example a tier seven common would be much weaker then a tier 7 mythic its like 4 classes above common and we have heard that demons live brutal lives where they have no time or chance to accumulate rescourses. meaning its likely a low level common tier 7 demon. and its also possible that he didint kill all the mercs himself maybe a few but he likely left them for his pets and colony ( he values his pets a lot and probs wants them to be the same as him tier wise ) and lastly a monsters lifespan is infinite so long as they arent killed ( ageless ) so for a monster evolving to tier 7 as fast as anthony did is rediculus usually it takes countless years just remember sarah shes tier 6 but like 80 years old or something xp doesint come by so easilly or else the dungeon would be crawling with tier 7s who just slaughter all the lower tier monsters

    Level: 3 (Mythic) (VII)
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to OVERPOWERED

    you are right but im saying in one given field if you weight lift for 20 years by the 20th year you will probably hardly progress or cease progressing. but you could progress in different fields either at the same time or instead of weight lifting, running swimming etc there are certainly tons of different ways a person could constantly improve but eventually there is kind of a hard cap because even if you run, bike, swim, and weight lift for 20 years you wont have time for new things and you will be stuck with your current. or u could sacrifice time to add a new thing but end up worse at old ones

    Just before that, Arima had noticed that his physical abilities were being enhanced a lot since his arrival. In his old world, he had already trained his body to the limit. But now, this limit was broken and he was truly pleased.
    Life Hunter
    Fantasy · AhraManyu
  • Eric_Kellar

    anyone saying he is dumb for saying he was lucky not to be a slime or goblin because of rimuru and re monster. do note that this dragon does not have a system and cant just get insanely lucky to eat things and steal there powers. if you compare practically any slime or goblin exept for cheat system ones you will quickly see that they are in fact lowly fodder mobs that are even lower on the food chains then humans

    Being able to reincarnate as a dragon and not pitiful a low-level monster like a slime or goblin was actually already very lucky.
    Dragon of Time Control
    Fantasy · Tangsong Yuanming Qing
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to DaoistUL69Kh

    in most stories dragons are said to live for several centuries or even several thousand years. so a teenage dragon could be 500 years old

    The White Dragon Mother, who was about to become an adult, definitely had intelligence that surpassed ordinary humans.
    Dragon of Time Control
    Fantasy · Tangsong Yuanming Qing
  • Eric_Kellar

    Potential massive spoilers Quinn should absolutely body most celestials and god slayers in the latest chapters. his physical abilities far exceeds anyone from earth currently. he has 200 strength, stamina, agility, charm. some of the strongest vampire lords to exist only have around 70 in each stat. His blood aura should be monstrous he used the blood of likely millions of people, a chair with likely hundreds or thousands of blood crystals and he further refined it with demons blood. note - its possible he could end up using all his blood energy and run out because ruler of blood doesn't give infinite energy I don't think, I believe its just infinite blood control without the downside. quinn already was in the top 5 for people with the most qi afrer the timeskip only possibly being surpassed by zero, erin and chris. but he even managed to absorb erins qi which she refined for 1000 years aswel as zeros qi that was refined for 1000 years and further augmented with like 1 million people worth of qi. meaning his first and second stage or qi are probably close to impenetrable because erin and zero both had hard times by passing eachothers qi just shows how monstrous quinns first second and third stage should be with it all combined lastly his shadow should be truly monstrous in latest chapters infinite shadows and basically constant activation of shadow overlord means he can teleport/redirect all enemy attacks can coat entire battlefields in shadow path ( ground covered in shadows ) to slow ennemy movement and give him the option to teleport anywhere in his zone. he also has shadow body wich gives him extremely potent defense on his body. and he will likely aquire even more busted abilities. even if he somehow almost loses he can send a army of strengthened/infected demon tier beast

    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Eric_Kellar
    Replied to ivortm

    hopefully Quinn actually starts using the shadow to its full potential with unlimited mc points. its a ability that makes someone almost impossible to kill. Arthur was able to teleport attacks to different locations or back to the attacker so he can counter and redirect enemy attacks. should be able to create a expansive field that covers entire battlefields meaning he can teleport anywhere in a fight. can block or slow almost any attack without drawback. even if a attack gets through all the shadow it still has to deal with his blood attacks which can also weaken or block enemies. and on top of that he has the qi of millions of people from zero and like 3000 years worth refined ki from his own and erins. so his first and second stage are probably close to impossible to penetrate considering erins defense was already incredible with qi. and he could further redirect attacks with his third stage. lastly he has shadow body skill so even if something destroys all those previous protections it still has to beat shadow body and then his hp

    Ch 1993 Evolved Shadow
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Eric_Kellar

    There are a few things I seriously hope happens. First I hope he upgrades Arthur's blood sword it's a amazing weapon with the legacy ( ability of 13 vampire famillys) and uses if for himself i dont want him to give a amazing weapon to someone who wont be able to use it aswell as him. second shadow infect. I hope he uses it on himself we have seen laxmus having black blood presumably because he was trying to infect himself. Quinn's physical ability will be greatly increased and he will still retain his mental capacity because of shadow mind and switch and even if those arent enought coating his brain with his ridiculous qi will be enought remember he has supposedly millions of people's worth of qi aswell as Erin's qi that was honed and increased for 1000 years aswell as his own wich was one of the hightest amounts already even if he sacrifices zeros ki for his brain he still has like 2000 years of honed ki worth in him

    Ch 1993 Evolved Shadow
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga