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I was really enjoying this read until I reached the end of this "completed" work, only to find out I wasted my coins to unlock chapters in a book the author dropped abruptly.
I'm pretty sure this should be lightning, not lightening. Lightning = bolt of electricity from the sky Lightening = to make lighter, either in weight or color
is it the Ores Kingdom or the Opes Kingdom? it seems to switch back and forth throughout the chapter, but both have references indicating they were subordinate to the Natural Order sect, meaning it is referring to the same Kingdom as each of the 4 sects have 4 subordinate kingdoms. The confusion really breaks immersion in the story.
His idea better be "build a second gate and send it in a storage ring"
pants have pant legs, not sleeves. the brown stripe would be down the pant legs.
Mi'ladies refers to women Maladies refers to diseases