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Star War's: The Force Awakening.

Several years after the events of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey traveled across the galaxy to find the next generation of Jedi. Travis Marek the son of Galen Marek aka Star Killer and Juno Eclipse, and five other children have been chosen to learn the ways of the Force. Travis will have to prove himself to everyone that he can handle it to eventually become a Jedi Master. Does he have what it takes? (Travis Marek's Force powers and abilities.) 1- Force choke: Like his father Galen Marek, Travis is able to choke the life out of his enemies. 2- Force Repulse: Travis Marek is capable of unleashing a shockwave throughout his body, to send his opponents flying backwards. 3- Force Vision: Like his Master Rey Skywalker, Travis Marek can see into the past or the future. 4- Mind Probe: Like Rey, Travis Marek can read the mind of others. 5- Mind trick: Travis Marek can mind trick his opponents or allies. 6- Telekinesis: Travis Marek is capable of lifting up heavy objects or ship's with ease, alone as push or pull enemies towards him, and he is capable of throwing his lightsaber at people as well as choke them. 7- Force Bond and Psychic Link: Along with his Jedi Master Rey Skywalker, Travis Marek shares a special bond with her. Thanks to this bond they are able to communicate with each other throughout the galaxy, and even share emotions as well as see into the past or future. 8- Force Jump: After his training with Rey, Travis Marek can jump higher than ever and long distances. 9- Force Healing: Many years after training under his Master Rey Skywalker, Travis Marek can heal himself or anyone one from wound's. 10- Force Lightning: Like his father Galen Marek aka Starkiller and his Master Rey Skywalker, Travis Marek is able to shoot lightning from his fingertips to deep fry his opponents. 11- Force crush: Travis Marek is able to lift his opponents up into the air and as they are floating, their bodies will implode as they are crushed by the Force. 12: Force Projection: Travis Marek was able to create a illusion copy of himself in order to save Rey's life.

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