


Just a new author traversing imagination with just my keyboard. And the internet.

2021-09-09 JoinedGlobal



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  • skylit3r

    See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

    Ch 1 Work
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasy · WhiteNightingale
  • skylit3r
    Replied to wisedrummer

    Great choice.

    This book has been deleted.
  • skylit3r

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 5 Escape
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasy · WhiteNightingale
  • skylit3r

    My only problem is that they are all men..

    Ch 3 Awakening: Status Unveiled
    Rise of Idan: Nigeria's Reign
    Fantasy · NPCs
  • skylit3r
    Replied to TheUntamedSoul

    This is so encouraging to hear. I'll do my best.

    Ch 16 Cold canyons
    I am a Sword Spirit
    Fantasy · skylit3r
  • skylit3r
    Replied to wisedrummer

    I'm happy you are liking it. Updates coming every day. Keep an eye out for the next one.

    Ch 13 True Form
    I am a Sword Spirit
    Fantasy · skylit3r
  • skylit3r
    Replied to Pxzmen

    Haha... She was a very muscular god. She was a woman god. And thanks for reading. [img=recommend]

    Yan Yi's grip tightened around the hammer, channeling every ounce of her remaining power to her core. She swung with all her might, unleashing a surge of aura that crackled like lightning, filling the air around her.
    I am a Sword Spirit
    Fantasy · skylit3r
  • skylit3r

    Is it south of Orlondia or of Valtoria?

    To the west of Valtoria is the Kingdom of Carathia, a land of rolling hills and fertile plains. Carathia is known for its skilled farmers and horse breeders. To the south is the Kingdom of Orlondia, a land of deserts and oases. Orlondia is home to powerful sorcerers and fierce warriors.
    Reincarnation Of The Greatest Pool Player
    Fantasy · Tripple1ZRO
  • skylit3r

    This is a carefully written story. You can tell that by how it unfolds. It has a good use of flashbacks and fast-forwards that help create tension and suspense, quietly enticing you in. It has a good plot, and I appreciate the depth of the characters. It is very descriptive, which gives you an immersive reading experience. Ethan is a lovely soul, as are Henry and Janet. I didn't give 5 on updates, cause I noticed the chapters are released several days apart. Thats the reason for 4.8.

    The Unknown Guard
    Horror · mrdarksoul
  • skylit3r

    I love this chapter

    Ch 14 Awake
    The Moon Enslaves the Stars
    History · Anya_Voss
  • skylit3r
    Replied to Anya_Voss

    Oh, my god. This truly warmed my heart. Thank you so much.

    This book has been deleted.
  • skylit3r

    I'm loving this novel! I've already blitzed through 10 chapters. The story starts strong and keeps you guessing. There are loads of unanswered questions, but that's part of the mysterious vibe, you know? Chapter 3 was like a cultivation cheat code or something, but hey, no biggie. Grammar took a nosedive from chapters 6 to 10. Not sure if it gets better later. It's not the worst, but there are spelling issues, missing punctuation (commas, periods, capital letters), and repeated words. Still readable, though. Will finish the book for sure. Hoping the author cleans up those chapters. I'll come back and edit this review, promise. I kinda wanted more details on how the MC resolved conflicts before jetting off on their world tour, but whatever. And seriously, more world-building would be cool. This is just my first take on the book. If it gets better, I'll update. Just wanted to give the author some feedback 'cause I'm really into the story. Oh, and by the way, there's a system in the mix. Definitely worth a read, especially if you dig cultivation, systems, and a weak-to-strong MC.

    Action · B_DRAG
  • skylit3r

    I have read a few books on this platform, but none have come alive in the way they are narrated quite like this one. Not only does it possess a captivating plot, but the story is also told with a literary mastery that truly impressed me. Right from the first paragraph, I knew I was in for an immersive experience that would last. The narrative feels authentic, natural, and brilliantly clever. It's evident that the author didn't simply write one chapter carelessly and then guess their way through the rest. The characters possess real personalities, particularly the brave, clever, and composed Talia. I instantly fell in love with her character. While I can't speak for the later chapters, I appreciate that she breaks free from the stereotypical portrayal of goofy, sexually objectified women or being merely a pretty flower in a vase for admiration. She is presented as a real person first and foremost, which is refreshing. I apologize if I'm jumping the gun here; I hope she continues to maintain her independence and wits, avoiding the cliché damsel-in-distress trope without a mind of her own. There are numerous other characters to appreciate as well, each with their own charm. The atmosphere created in this book is electric, immersive, and engaging, keeping the reader hooked to the end. Moreover, the flashbacks in the story tore at my heartstrings - its incredible to learn of interesting, heartfelt twists which I won't record as they'd be spoilers. Dear readers, this is a book to be cherished. It is one that I will keep and read until the very last chapter, no matter how far it goes. I haven't identified any flaws worth mentioning yet.

    The Moon Enslaves the Stars
    History · Anya_Voss
  • skylit3r

    I've just began, and I know I am going to like this one. I like well written books. Sorry, for this useless comment, I needed to say this.

    The fall of the ancient House of Eosin, and of the Kingdom of Vezda came not with the clashing of swords and screams of the dying-- as it was always supposed-- but with the scratching of pen across parchment in a mostly silent room.
    The Moon Enslaves the Stars
    History · Anya_Voss
  • skylit3r
    Replied to wisedrummer

    I can assure you it will only get better. Thanks for the review.

    This book has been deleted.
  • skylit3r
    Replied to redisgood

    This is soo encouraging. Thank you.

    This book has been deleted.
  • skylit3r

    Like many stories I've read by new authors, this one unsurprisingly improved over time. I found the story to be more engaging and interesting in the later chapters. Particularly, I enjoyed the novel starting from chapter 6, despite two issues: a. it had elements of gore, and b. it took me some time to figure out what was happening as the story switched from one death to another in a confusing manner. Here are some areas I believe could be improved upon: 1. Grammar: This is a crucial aspect that deserves attention. As a reader, significant grammar issues in the first chapter, in particular, would lead me to drop a book. Sentence construction, word spelling, phrase choices, and ambiguous expressions could be improved. Here are a few examples I noticed in the first few chapters. I wish there was an easier way to suggest these edits on webnovel. Leaving comments on edits didn't feel like an efficient use of that feature, not to mention the arduous process of successfully leaving a single comment. For instance: "'God**,' I said, staring at the half-open meatball sub spilling out of the crosswalk" - I didn't understand the meaning behind this. "I released a scream of pain..." - this could be phrased better. "This blessing grant double growth the its user" - did you mean "to its user"? These are just a few random examples; there are many more. 2. Understanding references: I had trouble comprehending some references, especially those related to the game HUD (heads-up display) interface. Examples include terms like "aoe" or "atk" or phrases like "let fall damage be off," which the main character mentioned while falling. 3.The protagonist's intelligence: This might be by design, but the main character comes across as unintelligence, particularly when dismissing Okra's, attempts to explain important information after being given a second chance. 4.Lack of context: In the initial chapters, I felt there was too little context and an overwhelming amount of dialogue. It felt rushed and difficult to relate to. Perhaps this is because I'm introverted, but I truly started enjoying the story from chapters 6 to 9, where things became clearer. The main character's thoughts, emotions, the setting, and the other characters were better explained. 5.Character diversity and development: I would like to see the main character interacting with other substantial characters (not just fleeting ones who disappear after a few paragraphs). More interaction with Ocura, or the god, or some friends and enemies would be interesting. Or maybe that's just how it's supposed to be. idk. These are merely my opinions, and personal taste plays a significant role. You may choose to ignore all of these suggestions. As a new author myself, I don't claim to know much, nor do I consider myself a skilled writer. These are simply my thoughts as a reader. By the way, I'm curious about what caused the fate of the main character at the end of the first chapter. Is there a mystery surrounding it? Overall: I appreciate how the story escalated and continued to develop. I enjoyed the descriptive and methodical nature of chapters 6, especially 7, 8, and 9. The suspense at the end of chapter 9 was good (although I was confused as to why the main character attacked someone who had extended an olive branch, considering his professed high sense of justice). I also appreciate the sense of humor in the story. Cheers. Hope this helps. I keep an eye out for future chapters.

    Chosen to be a tester
    Fantasy · Olcm
  • skylit3r

    What just happened here?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Chosen to be a tester
    Fantasy · Olcm
  • skylit3r

    I must admit, I had serious doubts about continuing to read this book after the first three or so chapters. However, my stubbornness prevailed, and I refused to believe that an author could persistently employ such abysmal grammar throughout thirteen chapters and counting. Despite my initial reservations, I am relieved that I pressed on. I only wish that the first few chapters were as smoothly written as the subsequent ones. It is evident that little to no proofreading or editing was conducted for the early portions of the book, which is a real shame considering the intriguing nature of the story. I must applaud the author for crafting incredible dialogue, though - even in the initial chapters (I struggle with this in my writing). To ensure a more engaging experience for readers, I suggest addressing the following issues that hindered my enjoyment: 1. Grammar: The presence of errors, such as substituting "please" for "plead," "late" for "let," or even incorporating unusual terms like "eternality," can be easily rectified with simple text editing tools like Google Docs or Word. There is no excuse for neglecting this aspect of the writing. 2. Tense consistency: The narration frequently switches between present tense (unfolding events) and past tense, which can be confusing for readers. While not as detrimental as the grammatical errors, it still detracts from the overall reading experience. 3. Descriptive context: Providing more description and context surrounding the dialogue would greatly enhance readers' understanding of the unfolding events, the reactions of the characters, and the ambiance of the settings. In summary: 1. The first few chapters suffer from poor grammar, but the quality improves as the book progresses. 2. The plot is captivating and easy to follow. 3. I appreciate the author's use of the first-person perspective, which switches between different characters. 4. The concept of "linksoul" is intriguing and well-executed. 5. I eagerly anticipate future chapters and will keep a watchful eye out for them. By addressing the issues mentioned above, the book has the potential to provide an even more enjoyable reading experience for its audience.

    My Secret: A Gift or A Curse?
    Urban · L_Flower
  • skylit3r

    Do you "pleaded with him" instead of "pleased him"

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Secret: A Gift or A Curse?
    Urban · L_Flower