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  • Paradox2000
    Paradox20002 years ago

    Also another thing I forgot to add was that reverse falsh stated that speedforce is the representation of reality in motion, being the very cosmic force that pushes space and time forward and connects everything including kinetic energy, temporal energy etc, this is also the reason why lightning appears whenever Barry uses his powers and full control over speedforce means not only manipulating time but having control over kinetic and temporal energy and a vast amount of information residing in the speedforce

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  • Paradox2000
    Paradox20002 years ago

    Okay you got a few things wrong about the speedforce but it's not a big deal since it's constantly changing through every issue. One thing is the speed limit is not the speed of sound, there are certain speedsters who have went faster than the speed of light. With speed force Barry have shown the ability to stop time completely with his sheer speed, in powerscaling terms that is a fest of Infinite speed. Aside from that in flashpoint paradox reverse flash told Barry about speedforce as not just a inter dimensional energy source but as the concept of speed/moving meaning anything that moves is connected to speedforce like how time moves forward and with the help of the speedforce one can control time itself. The speedforce in comics is an inter dimensional energy that exists outside of the multiverse and here it's inside the protagonist meaning he should be able to control time in infinite universes at the same time

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  • Paradox2000
    Paradox20002 years ago

    It's so good. Probably one of the best fan fics I've read in a long time. I had a pretty low expectations as I started it, but it mangaed to surpass my expectations real quick. I'll cover my entire review in points and why I think it's one of the best fic out there. Writing quality:- I don't need to explain much of it on this I guess because the writing quality is top tier for a fan fic, there are very few grammatical errors and almost none misused words. MC:- The charm of this fic is the MC, this dude is a menace. I liked the concept of his character who views the entire world as a playground. He kinda reminds me of Furuta Nimura who didn't gave a fuck if the world is unfair, he didn't fought for his rights or whatever, he just wanted to plunge the world into chaos and have fun with it because he found freedom in that chaos. So yeah loved the concept of MC, all I want to ask is please make a conversation between the MC and all might, I wanna see a battle of words between the order (All might) and chaos (MC). World background:- This fic tackles the world as a fic should. If you're reading a fanfic then you should have already finished the original series and should have already known about the world, and thus this fic doesn't give unnecessarily obvious info of the world that you should know from the manga and due to this there isn't any boring chapter or instance here. Where this fic peaked for me:- So I was thinking of this fic as just another fic with a new concept and was simply reading it until a certain fight, the fight took 3 chapters and was still ongoing which made me think it's slow but damn I was wrong, it was necessary for what was about to drop. The author raised the stakes so high and showcased the terror of the Child Emperor, the amount of stuff going on in the background during the fight was insane and it certainly caught me off guard since increasing the stakes at this level during the initial start of the story is totally unexpected but it was a favourable change. And after the fight the author started raising the stakes even higher which makes me excited for what's about to drop next

  • Paradox2000
    Paradox20003 years ago
    Replied to Mountain_Dew_98

    Welp it would be awesome if haruto could manipulate his darkness on a conceptual level and hana could have the powers of a million exploding suns

  • Paradox2000
    Paradox20003 years ago

    Writing Quality: So far the writing quality is good, I mostly keeps my expectations low for writing quality in fanfics but this one is still better than most fanfics out there. Updates: So far the updates are stable and good, I hope the author makes this consistency Story Development: The story develops very well, from character interactions to the power system, I can't really find some big flaws in this fanfic considering it as a fanfic. Protagonist: Well personally I like this protagonist a lot, most fanfics either makes a ruthless edgelord of a protagonist or a harem seeking horney mfs. The MC of this novel seems more human, he doesn't have some top tier character development but his character from the beginning is well shaped. He loves his family, have enemies, loves and hates while making decisions that makes his less childish but also something someone of his age would do. Side Characters: Since it's a fanfic there isn't much to say about the side characters but most fanfics I've read mostly butcher the personalities of the side characters but this fanfic blends the OC MC into the world perfectly. One thing that I would like to highlight a scene when Momo came to pick up MC for school in her car and MC's sister asked Momo if she likes him for which Momo replied with a straight "No", I like this instance personally because unlike in other fanfics girls would probably blush question their feelings and especially for Momo because most MHA fanfics used the past of Momo having no friends as an excuse to make her dumb and not realize the difference between the feelings of love and friendship however in this fanfic that particular instance shows that Momo picks the MC up for school because she considers him a friend while also being mature enough to differentiate between the feelings of love and friendship and her deciding who she wants to be with. My issues with it: I don't have some major issues with this fanfic but I'm gonna list some of them 1. I want the novel to add some of it's own plot to it instead of following the entire plot of MHA 2. I wanted the MC to use his resource realm more, he mostly uses it to extract DNAs, I wants him to be more creative with it and have some new abilities for him or pull out a noble phantasm or something. 3. I need some fight scenes for Hana and I also need some interactions between Hana and her friends who left her because she didn't had any quirk.

  • Paradox2000
    Paradox20004 years ago

    It's a great novel for someone who is writing for the first time, the MC is over powered, cold and manipulative. As author-san says in aux chapters that he plans to give the MC a challenge and have a storyline planned, I am looking forward to that