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he should obviously abandon the abominations and support stannis, the only king who doesn't care about blood
there was a crackclaw point got fic but i dont remember its name
major timeskip?
they are too brainwashed to snitch
The disputed lands and the three sisters are targets, just too strong of a force to deal with at the moment. Bloodstone would also give some legitimacy as a true contender
imo they are more preislamic but the original culture is basically long gone, the ghiscari in slavers bay have been described as mongrels of races and hold little to no relics of the past, even their religion is just whatever remnants they had of old ghis. so its just gonna be them tryna act up basically, i would expand on the culture that will develop though as a result of mc dynasty
oc as there aren't much actual dynasties that we know about, it'll be some bs claim of descent from grazdan the great (mythical founder of ghis) the ghiscari will have divine right to rule and primogeniture once stuff starts snowballing, the free cities will initially have elections though, so whatever one mc could start in is the only possible one to be voted into power.
could js tie her up and forget
these people don't matter, just pull up to lys or volantis for good valyrians
aegon conquest was about 100 years after the doom so its about 123 ac so like 5 years before the dance. if they wanted to, they definitely are able to take over right after the wars over, perhaps even catch cregan stark before he can tell whats up and burn his army to the ground. there were only 4 dragons left alive after the dance, 2 of them being cannibal and sheepstealer who can be completely ignored. leaving silverwing and morning who are no match for their dragons