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Late to comment but this is perfect for curing Sairaorgs mother
I’m confused his wings aren’t like happy’s so why do they run on magic their a part of him what
With his current looks and wings he definitely can
He didn’t know about people calling him salamander at this point his introduction in the first episode is him literally looking for the one people call salamander thinking its Igneel I don’t mind the mistake just wondering if your gonna make his logic like oh thwre someone in a town that people are calling salamander like me I guess it has to be Igneel Idk it doesn’t matter sorry for the rant
I agree that Katsuki was a piece of shit in the past and he really didn’t deserve to be forgiven so easily by Izuku in the future but he did earn a second chance because he did try to sacrifice himself for Izuku the reason why I say this is because I feel like Katsukis whole take a swan dive off the building comment was more out of impulse than it being how he genuinely felt not that it makes it right just felt like I had to comment it
This is gonna feel weird because I saw your comment saying he won’t get that attached to Batman and stuff but even with how much of a control freak as he may be its natural human nature to create attachment to those who treat you reasonably and you stated this Batman is decent so even if not family type attachment there should be like Samael having a favorable view on him and some level of respect and care if their gonna be living in the same place for a prolonged period of time
Im gonna start reading this on Thursday but before then I wanna ask when are the femboy’s gonna be added to the harem since there is none on the list i was curious will one be added later on or is it not gonna get added anymore doesn’t really matter to me since I’ll read this either way just wanted to know
Work + Life in general don’t help I’ll probably continue this when life desides to calm down
What im seeing is that she didn’t care he was having nightmares until now when she isn’t gonna get to sleep with Shane was it I really forget names quickly with how many stories I read point is she suck’s
Damn that’s a big one right there