


I am reaching the Webnovel, HARRY POTTER AND THE FORTUNATE QUEEN, by MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE, for the 8th time. Mystical Snowflake cunningly weaves canon with a new story for extraordinary excitement.

2021-07-06 JoinedUnited States



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  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicoll3 days ago


  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicoll11 days ago

    Friday, March 14th, 2025 "10" That's my lovable Christina Norton! She's Wonder Woman: She's able to make friends with almost anyone. Plus, her new friends understand her, and they help her to do positive things. I'm glad "The Slitherin Boys" were there for her. I still don't understand why Jason had to die. Why did he have to die like that? The enormous grief and suffering that he went through was atrocious. Chris and everyone else went through so much trauma, too. Is it possible to go back in time to make changes? Is it possible to restore lives? I thought Harry sacrificed his life to save people from dying. Wouldn't everyone be saved?

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicoll11 days ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicoll19 days ago

    3-6-25 This is still the 10th reading. I haven't gone back to previous chapters in a long time. I did have a message for you for this chapter, but it got lost. I'm not sure about the "tone." I'm glad someone reminded you about that. I LOVE HARRY POTTER AND THE FORTUNATE QUEEN by MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE !!!! This is my all-time favorite book. I love MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE !!!

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicoll23 days ago

    Sunday, March 2, 2025 1st comment Yesterday was my birthday. Snowflake, I don't know what those people are talking about at all. Firstly, your writing improved considerably in a short time. I'm extremely impressed with you. I am intrigued with this amazing work. You do know what you are talking about every minute. The story comes to life so vividly that I am in it. Thanks to the many pi tures that you provided, I can see everything and everyone clearly. The different storylines were fascinating, suspenseful, stunning, and intelligent. I understand you. In the beginning, there were chapters that Webnovel chopped up, and the comments didn't go with the chapters. That was Webnovel. When I reread the book, I noticed that nearly everything was corrected. You let us know what Webnovel did. You corrected the grammar. You started out alone. You have thousands of sreaders who consistently read, understand, pray for, demand, and love your work. You still get things confused. With the Harry Potter characters, you need to say the following sentences: 1. Christina Norton shook her head. 2. She snapped her fingers to clean her own room. That's Chris's special power. 3. Harry Potter ran to his friends. Harry is in his 6th year. ( Well, it should say, "Harry is in his first year in Hogwarts." He is in school. "At" means "near, around, close to, or by" somewhere. People say, "Harry is at school," when they mean, "He is in the building called, Hogwarts." I can't stop them. English rules change when people say something differently all of the time. It is my pet peeve. Like Peeves, the Poltergeist. He annoys everyone. All he has to do is break an American English rule that an English teacher "drilled" into me. For example, one teacher spent a lot of time on the difference between compare and contrast. I don't think anyone knows the propper way to use those words. Now, it's a lost cause. Compare: "to show how things are the SAME, by using the words, "like or as". To compare things is to use a metaphor: The scissors are as sharp as the knife is." (medaphor) The scissors and the knife are the same sharpness. The apples in Safeway Supermarket are not the same price as the apples in Giant Foods." That is a contrast. People do say this correctly, "The prices of the apples don't compare in those 2 stores." When oranges are different prices in 2 stores, don't say: "Compare and save." Why don't they say "Contrast"? Anyway, you explain things much better than I do. Your paragraphs are easy to understand. Chris should be exactly the way you describe her. Just remember to use the words "she, her, or one" when you don't use her name to say something about her or what she's doing. Hay! You are practically perfect in every way! Don't let anyone upset you. It is very courageous to ask for help. You stated your problem beautifully! Quoting people exactly was a brilliant idea! I know how to talk about these issues. While I don't know the exact sentences or issues that botthered anyone else, I can tell you that I almost always understand you. Next time, I reread the book series, I will point out anything that I didn't mention previously. There are so many messages from so many people in some chapters that I may choose to put the comment in the latest chapter, with all of the information. For example: Chapter 50 (Webnovel) Chapter 57* (Once you removed some "chapters" like this one, when you spoke about "Why I haven't been able to post a new chapter in a long time," "I need to rant", or "Thanks". You forgot to renumber the chapters that you saved. That's okay. I don't mind. (My story is all over the place, and time, too. While it needs a tremendous amount of editing, it is filled with time travel. That's my excuse.)

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicolla month ago

    12:12 am, Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 1st to comment Applause! I absolutely adore HARRY POTTER AND THE FORTUNATE QUEEN BY MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE!

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicolla month ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicolla month ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicolla month ago

    First comment Friday, February 21th, 2025 Is she going to make a big emotional speech about how she isn't a whitch? Is she going to tell the history that she learned from Wilma, Gus, and his Pensive? will Chris tell how she lost all of the powers that were granted to her? I guess the first thing is to tell Harry why, "I'm not a which anymore." I thought Chris got a gift from her ancestor. I guess it wasn't magic. In other news, I have a new light orange cat. This is Sandy. She walked across a large yard to see me when I was making a little fence around the grave that my friend and I made for Garfield and Duchess. Duchess was my dog. I have 4 cats. My father, my cat, and my dog were among the lives lost for various reasons last year. Sandy has been a great solace and joy to help my friend and myself with our losses. I am also extremely grateful for HARRY POTTER AND THE FORTUNATE QUEEN BY MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE! I love this masterpiece! I sang your prases on my Facebook page on Valentines' Day! Who can be sad when I have HARRY POTTER AND THE FORTUNATE QUEEN BY MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE to keep me so pashonately obsessed? This is Sandy!

  • Jessicanicoll
    Jessicanicolla month ago

    Valentines' Day, Friday February Fourteenth, Two Thousand-Twenty-Five More importantly: My world-class musician Brother, Otto Alexander Hauser (-Nicoll)'s Birthday πŸŽ‚! Rave review for HARRY POTTER AND THE FORTUNATE QUEEN by MYSTICAL SNOWFLAKE ❄️ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘: I absolutely adore; admire; appreciate; advertise; acclaim; applaud; anticipate and approbate this Epic adventure. I aspire to write an awesome; acclaimed; astounding; astonishing; astronomical; and action-packed award-winning book series with millions of devoted reders like this monument to victory. This supernatural; suspenseful; stimulating; thrilling; horrifying; yet; sometimes comforting; reasuring; calming; comical; and fun passionate champion litterary billiance, is so full of Delightfully Detailed antics, wars, friendships, and plights, that I love to read it for many hours daily. It feels like I'm really with the characters in every situation. I hope this electrifying Odyssey continues forever.

"Empress" Stephanie: They think, "She's a Goddess"! Well, I'm not!

Tags: Action ; Adventure ; Modern ; overcoming child abuse ; REINCARNATION ; fighting crime ; Spreading Peace ; Creating global safe haven ; Royal Realm ; SUPERNATURAL ; vegan ; government ; CUT INFORMATION ; mental health ; Features cameos of current President Obama (Well he was President, when I had time to think about my story, and when Istarted to write it). Synopsis 1 A little girl, is living in poverty, atop a mountain. As she doesn't know, that she's a princess, Stephanie has a shock, on her first day of school: The other people glare at her, as they bow to her. Shortly after the first situation is resolved, another more frightening trauma arises: Members of her family disappear! For more information, read about 911 Stephanie's dangerous life! Synopsis 2 This time-travel fantasy constantly rewrites itself, as history changes. Some people remember the different versions of their lives,albeit out-of-order. A very tiny little girl, lives in poverty, even though her absent parents are King and Queen, of a realm. The little girl has only one friend, her remotely distant cousin. They live in a massive mansion, on top of, an even more humongous Mountain. The little Stephanie, struggles with strife, and a bully, as she attempts to get to school. At school, she faces angry people, including her teacher! After her troubles are supposedly solved, more heartaches and tragedy "slaps her face": She just met her real family, for the first time. Suddenly, her father disappeared. (Wait. The family members disappeared before she meets them, in this series of "lives". That's what I mean, someone manipulates time, so everything and everyone will become confused. As Stephanie, and Cousin Brian, train, in anything that might help in their quest: more family members disappeared. Along with cross training, with the different branches of the USA military, she also learned Marshall Arts. Seeing, as how, the people might be injured, both Heros, become Emergency doctors. That's only the first part of this story. SYNOPSIS 3 - overview This is a story about a girl, who is forced to time travel, and lead various lives which somehow overlap. There is a lot of alteration. I also use Harry Potter, and Star Trek Voyager, among other films and shows, to try to illustrate my work. Synopsis 4 Stephanie Vitality, is a reincarnation of someone else. She was created, when the other person, went swimming in The Fountain of Youth, which is also a Wishing Well. Stephanie is the victim, of other reincarnated people, who, are trying to fix a heinous catastrophe: The Fountain of Youth, AKA The Vitality SUN - INFUSED River, was CONTAMINATED‼️ Someone, thinks that, if Stephanie restarts her first trip to school, until she gets the strange journey perfected; that that will solve everything‼️ Another newly made life form, thinks that he can play with Stephanie, as though she's a doll. He tossed her in the air, and got her to do gymnastics and acrobatics, while she was scared to death. The original item, that was animated in the river, obviously, didn't know what he was doing. As Stephanie manages to get older, she finds a lot of look-alike females, who are actually various versions of herself. Some of them, were made in the water. Every Time Stephanie has to restart an activity, she is dunked into the magic water. Sometimes, Stephanie is pushed through the space-time continuum, to different places on Earth, and to different points in history. Every time Stephanie appears, a new version of her, is also created. This is because, the wind picks up the water, (and numerous life forms,). The saturated wind, creates a humidity, that duplicates everything and everyone it touches. On top of everything else, Stephanie becomes the Queen of this place, that she doesn't understand. She has to solve everyone's problems. Her adventures can suddenly stop. Next thing we know, she's reincarnated as a baby again. Enjoy

Jessicanicoll Β· Fantasy
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89 Chs