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2021-06-28 JoinedCanada

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  • DaoistOrh6VQ
    Replied to minakshishelly

    yeah I think so it's vivian

    Fortunately Heidi had made a quick trip to her room to use the bathroom before joining all the important guests at the table. She sat next to Warren and a lady from the council who was a human like herself. Lord Nicholas, instead of taking his usual seat at the head of the table, he had taken out the seat today to join them for a regular meal. The unfortunate part was that he sat right in front of her at the table. She avoided the lord at all cost, busying herself by conversing with the council lady and asking her about the work she did.
    Heidi and the Lord
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • DaoistOrh6VQ
    Replied to Xenon_Man

    she saw him first time with Alex on the day of registration at council

    "They don't. They are absurd make believe stories to scare humans. How has your time in the council been passing by?" his eyes then fell on her hand which was holding the written parchments, "You must be very busy. Lionel is a strict man, so is the Duke. I heard some interesting things. Whispers, is that true?" he asked his eyes moving from the parchment to her gloved hands.
    Bambi and the Duke
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • DaoistOrh6VQ
    Replied to sb_pluto

    Warren is Nicholas cousin from his mother side. as you remember his mother had 2 older sister's. Leonardo family isn't connected to Nicholas they are family friends. Warren mother name is veitri something not Vivian. I was confused with it too before

    Leonard and Nicholas had come to the study room in the Carmichael's mansion while Vivian had gone up the stairs so that she could get ready as Nicholas had promised her to tour her with books which was much better than what Leonard had. With him giving his word of her being his sister, to emphasise he meant it, he had promised her to take her to his prized library which had made Leonard raise his eyebrow.
    Bambi and the Duke
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • DaoistOrh6VQ
    Replied to MonsterUnderTheBed

    I was thinking that too

    "Is it possible that this person, it was someone from the time when the Lestrange's used to live here?" asked Alison with a frown on her face.
    The Fourth Mistress
    History · ash_knight17
  • DaoistOrh6VQ

    I think it could be Agatha. according to the will Louise found if Graham won't have any wife to continue with legacy money won't go to them. That's my thought

    "I don't know what opinion you carry in your mind about me, Louise, but no. I didn't know about the wedding gown. In fact, I didn't know about it, until you and Graham brought it up with me. We did discuss it afterwards, because I had made sure to have my daughter return the wedding gown," said Lady Viola, her head held high as if she had done nothing wrong while still not meeting Louise's eyes. "There's a belief from where I come, not to keep the wedding gown of a deceased woman in the house who has not completed five years of her marriage."
    The Fourth Mistress
    History · ash_knight17
  • DaoistOrh6VQ

    hahah end on the lineage

    Ch 15 Dawn On Me
    Within It's Walls - The Gang Leader Wants Me.
    LGBT+ · Marcel4eva
  • DaoistOrh6VQ

    what if something like original show happens in the end. she gives birth to the child and blood within her turns into pure blood vampire. I am sure she isn't able to keep food because she needs blood for the baby

    Elias kissed the side of her head. He painfully squeezed his eyes shut, and embraced her tighter. He felt her bones dig into his muscle, jagged from her lack of meals. He had been neglecting her for far too long.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • DaoistOrh6VQ

    Loved it, felt every moment so real. Didn't wanted it to end. I wish it extended what happened with her sister after all. Call me greedy but wanted to see alot people paired till the end

    Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife
    Urban · Xincerely
  • DaoistOrh6VQ

    what if it is her and that assassin guy qinqin used to date in the picture?

    So why was it that his beloved Mengxi was wrapped in another man's arms? Why was it that his Mengxi was unclothed and in a foreign bed with her legs wrapped tightly around the firm waist of a man that was not him?
    Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife
    Urban · Xincerely