

2021-06-29 JoinedGlobal



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  • Nepge
    Replied to Shiva16draig

    Just by looking at that system, it's good but I've already set me mind on my own.

    Ch -1 Update on my planning
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to LinRin

    Well let's consider the Original Dragonball series, before we knew of the Saiyans, Well would Goku be sent to Earth, at all? The main point of this story is to change the fate of the Saiyans to survive. In a scenario like this, would Goku even be sent to Earth? If so then the original Dragonball series events play out as they do in canon. Until a Saiyan, I will say Bardock but I already have plans for him so Gine would do. At that point what changes happen on Earth?

    Ch -2 Information
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to LinRin

    In terms of Sagas, well I have other plans.

    Ch -2 Information
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to LinRin


    Ch -2 Information
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to LinRin

    I do understand. I had to research into it a bit as I wanted to understand them more. Also there's another thing, how strong or how high does a Saiyans Power level have to be in order to access it. I think around the 100.000 mark is fair but then Betrae getting that strong in what amounts to 5 - 7 years depending on how old I see Raditz being well that means a large amount of potential for one thing and 2, Betrae getting that much power in such a short period of time, actually typing this out I just remembered a very fun fact, 120,000,000, is Frieza's absolute full power, Betrae whilst not needing to get that strong in such a time does need to get close to that level in Super Saiyan Grade 1. The more I research the more I realised why nobody has ever made a fanfiction on this scenario.

    Ch -2 Information
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Nepge

    As for the issue with the child body, GT Kid Goku and Goku JR could do it so I don't think it's necessarily a body thing plus, Goten, Trunks. So putting it bluntly the statement that Super Saiyan cannot be achieved at a young age is wrong.

    Ch -2 Information
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to LinRin

    That's what I did, looking at work of others to help arrive at my own conclusions beyond looking at how the forms work.

    Ch -2 Information
    Dragonball: Changes
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    *Image here*
    The freedom of an idols reincarnated daughter
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to sleepygood

    I understand this due to being an IT student myself. It's also been a while since I made the announcement and have come to terms with it. In other words I'm already planning another fanfiction.

    Ch 27 I'm pissed off
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Reiya9

    There's only 2. I would have added 3 more later on not belonging in Konoha. And it is more realistic if you actually care to think about it more. As you said the probability is almost Zero but there's various other factors that aren't being taken into account. One of those is, how many people get reincarnated? This factor is the most important and it can be used to get a more accurate probability. The other factor is, how many forms of our own planet exist? In chapter 1 or the Prologue I briefly made note of how our world was a world creator. And due to that fact there would more than likely be more than one form of it. So let us look at an example here. 1 person out of every 1000 people who die a day get's reincarnated since there are 166,859 deaths in our world per day that would lead to around 166 or 167 people a day being reincarnated. And then you factor in other worlds to that. Whilst this doesn't completely refute your words it does shed light on it.

    Ch 20 The first act
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Reiya9

    I'm glad you pointed this out. Whilst yes they are multiple different forms of the universes there will be some reincarnated to the same world regardless. It isn't realistic to assume that it can't happen basically.

    Ch 20 The first act
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Sebastiean

    Later on.

    "May I inquire if my supposition regarding the presence of an intricate procedure guiding the phenomenon of reincarnation is accurate?" I decided to use a more interesting way of saying it because my curiosity got the better of me.
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Door_kun

    The freedom of an idols reincarnated daughter is out.

    Ch 26 Getting Along (Literally)
    Idol Daughter's Dimensional Group Chat
    Anime & Comics · Door_kun
  • Nepge
    Replied to Leon_Luis_


    Persona. This was from the Persona series wasn't it.
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Leon_Luis_

    Interesting view point.

    What things are truth-bearers and are therefore capable of being true or false?
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge
    Replied to Door_kun

    I've done a simple picture.

    Ch 26 Getting Along (Literally)
    Idol Daughter's Dimensional Group Chat
    Anime & Comics · Door_kun
  • Nepge
    Replied to Epaxx

    Paper fan. Uchiha is another way of writing it.

    One of them was a girl of medium length coal black hair that had 2 bangs framing the sides of the face with one pointing slightly ahead of the other her raven eyes. She looked to be 5 feet tall wearing an azure vest over her black long sleeved shirt with cerulean trousers and dark brown sandals that were tailor made for Shinobi's. She also had a small belt with 2 small pouches on them. On the back of her vest she had strange symbol depicting an Uchiwa with Crimson and snow like white. 
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge
  • Nepge

    Now that I've caught up I must say that this idea and everything behind it is simply brilliant. I might take the general idea of this so I could write something similar but with a different MC and my own plot lines,

    Ch 26 Getting Along (Literally)
    Idol Daughter's Dimensional Group Chat
    Anime & Comics · Door_kun
  • Nepge
    Replied to Nobody_0wens

    True. This world is a lot darker than one might think initially after all. There is still light but one cannot deny the darkness that exists in this world.

    "I'm just surprised you're not some old man who has seen so much in life. In fact, you're just a teenager. What a cruel country, sending children to warzones."
    Idol Daughter's Dimensional Group Chat
    Anime & Comics · Door_kun
  • Nepge
    Replied to Leon_Luis_

    I am assuming you are caught up on her past. It wouldn't make sense to make her a coward when she was raised in such an environment.

    I could see how this was a style in the first place but it held many flaws that I could see easily. Granted the style wasn't fully bad as I saw a way to make it usable in fights but I'd stick to my combination of Muay Thai and Judo. 
    The Gaming Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · Nepge