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Im honestly fed up with the 2m long chapters... after the "demon arc" every chapter is extremely short and not worth wasting money or free passes on it. would have continued reading this novel if it was free but now its just annoying.
Time skip please?
I thought his eyes were his strongest part of his body considering how much he looks at girls.
her whole character is useless and a waste of word. its kinda annoying how the author developing her and then make the MC say "doesn't matter she will die in X time"... it would have been better writing to make her nice and then the mc will have doubts whether to save her or not, and then the author could have continued with this approach and make him face Itachi and having him suffer a defeat for the first time and that will make his resolve to become stronger far bigger then his current one. I am not saying author writing is bad. I could never write at the level that he is writing it just that its the 7th time mc says that and I got annoyed. sorry for bad english.
I hate that kind of writing. All this "in the future..." stuff is annoying and spoils the rest
why did you remove 20+ chapter? also very good book 👍
usually not reading novels under 100 chapters but yours was really good when I read the first chapters and now I cant stop.