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Again, can’t help you with a question like this, though I’m wondering to myself why I’m answering these questions backwards 🙃
Very broad question, can’t help you here.
If I remember correctly, It was when he revealed he was the black knight (Not because he revealed it, but because there was less of a reaction than I was expecting and it seemed to just be glazed over, if that makes sense).
This Is the arc with the trial right? It was definitely that along with the Christmas side story (Just cuz of how strange it was).
Better story than most others, but It has been a little slow with the last few chapters (Except the one with Benni with a Y). I think the reason I feel the chapters feel slow, is because of the filler inside of most of them (You’ve been doing it since the start of the story, but it’s become more prevalent with these later chapters) and by filler I mean the fact that you turn what could be 3 paragraphs Into half the chapter unnecessarily (unnecessarily being the key word there).
Better smut than most other stories, so no need for much improvement.
Better system than most other stories so no need for improvement.
Rachel (I think that was her name anyway, but the grandaughter of the guy who sacrificed himself for Ricky).