


"How will I describe myself? How about we talk about my eyes? I use glasses on purpose so I wouldn't end up blind. I'm a sharpshooter, and my eyesight is what you could say excellent." - Nakamura Shun

2021-08-28 JoinedGlobal



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Eighty-Six: The Exectioner

The executioner, the best of the best, the survivor that lived through battlefields of death, and became the bringer of death. She was highly prized by the millitary of San Magnolia republic despite her being one those "slaughter pigs"as ironic as it can be. Despite she had the iconic silver hair, her bright crimson ruby right and fiery beryl blue left heterochromatic eyes had set her different from others, but it didn't bring bring the usual looks of disdain, au cotraire, it was jealousy and greed that had sparked a fire of hate. The eyes she had were extremely rare, possesing the ability to see into the future. And in the passion of hate, the "pure bloods" sent her to the front lines. She isn't just some diposable person though, and her nickname describes perfectly why. She is vastly different from the other "slaughter pigs". No matter what orders the handler gives, she always secures a 100% success rate. She executes every command like an oiled machine and maintained well, efficiently taking out any Legion she was tasked to. She was the Executioner. And so those silver haired bastards decided honour her performance, that is at least what they told her with contempt. She was going to be transfered to the "Spear-Head" squadron in the 86th area, with a new "toy" they had her pilot, it was a prototype unit. And alike her nickname, they named it after her, The Executioner. Well, not like codename "Vindicator" gives f*ck about what they name it. The only thing she could give a care to is being transfered to the unit "Spear-Head". She got to meet an equally famous/infamous soldier after all. Codename "Under-Taker". It was the reaper Shinei Nouzen himself. Along with the others of the Spear-Head squadron. She could only smile as she stares at the new people she would work with. "I have feeling the next years onwards are going to be frigging fun."

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

TENSURA: Accelerando Ex Nihilo

I felt my body weaken inch by inch, as my hand fell on his lifeless body. > Grief that eats me up inside making me want to just die along with him, without him, I am nothing. I slowly lowered myself to his chest to hear his heart. > Anger at myself for not being able and responsible for watching out for disaster, it spelled our doom in an instant. I directly placed my head unto his left chest where his heart should be around. > Frustration that I couldn't be more skilled, frustration that I couldn't be faster than I am. The pain that I felt from my stomach was completely ignored as I listened for the beat. > Anguish, mental torture at the thought that I couldn't be with him anymore. Though my body was shouting at me that my bones were broken, I kept listening. >The misery at losing you the very day that was supposedly to be spent happily with you. My mind was losing it, the pain, both emotionally and physically were attacking me. > Despair hit me in waves upon waves as I think about the future where you don't even exist at all. I ignored everything, and just focused into hearing his heartbeat. It was weakening steadily, but it was still there. Last but not the least, actually, the most. Regret that I didn't even have the guts to tell you. Regret that I couldn't tell you, and regret that I didn't tell you. > "Haha..." I laughed bitterly, my ribs poking my lungs made the difficult, impossible. "You know, every time, our hearts never did beat the same rhythm until now." My heart stopped. And yours did too, finally, they were at the same pace. granted.>> Just shut the fuck up already, will you?

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Haikyuu: Raven!!

Ravens differ from crows in appearance by their larger bill, tail shape, flight pattern and by their large size. Ravens are as big as Red-tailed Hawks, and crows are about the size of pigeons. The raven is all black, has a 3.5-4 ft wingspan and is around 24-27 inches from head to tail. Also, Crows and ravens are both blackbirds, but there are some key differences between them. Crows are typically smaller than ravens, and they have a more triangular-shaped head. Ravens being larger, measure 24 to 27 inches from head to tail and 3.5 to 4 inches for the wings. Further more, Both of these birds are extremely intelligent (though ravens seem a bit smarter than crows) and are quite playful. Ravens have at least 7 different calls and can imitate the calls of other birds (geese, jays, crows). They also use stunt flying to attract mates (barrel-rolling, flying upside-down, and somersaults). And if you do happened to be visited by a Raven, It indicates that you might be in need of some kind of guidance in your life. However, these birds do not pay a visit to everyone. They're attracted to the mystical aura of a chosen few. If you've seen ravens lately, it means that they have chosen to help you. And it seems that he is a very close friend to a very friendly Raven. Also, note from Author, don't piss off ravens or they'll come back a thousand fold and **** on your car like there's no tomorrow. ______________________________ Guys, it seems I have been hitting a wall in writting in my other fics so I will try to revitalize my motivation with writing this fic! Let's hope best!

Nakamura_Shun · Others
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3 Chs

SL: REverse [in process of rewrite.]

Hello! Author here. I currently do not know how to make the synopsis of the fanfic so I'll just put a part of the story. Hi! I'm Saul. I am die-hard fan of the novel solo leveling. I always had regarded it the best I had read. I was reading a manwha when I saw a silhouete of Sung jin-woo on the character. "Haha, time to go back to my personaly favorite novel, huh? Might as well read it incase I forgot anything about it." I mumbled, smiling with nostalgia. I read the novel again stopping at chapter 200 as my mom called me down stairs. "Saul! Get your lazy ass out your room and go buy some milk! We ran out of it." "Ok. Okay! Just stop shouting, mom." I said as I open my door and head down stairs. "Bye mom!" I shout as I leave the house. Little did I know it was my final good bye. As I was admiring the red spider lily photo on my screen, I heard a honk and I looked at the direction it came from. *Honk* I saw a truck carrying chickens a meter infront of me honked and I was shocked. I couldn't move, my body refused to listen as I feel freezing aura coming from the truck. 'Ah! my legs are stuck they won't listen to me! What is this pressure that's forcing me into an immovable state?!' I thought. "Cut!!! Cut! Okay thats enough. Now, interested? Read the rest of the chapters in the table of contents. Not here!" Although the title suggests that this is a solo leveling fan-fic this might end up in other stories like OVERLORD. Welp, what can I do except progress this story.

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
38 Chs

Solo leveling: I am you, You are me... Just the exact opposite (Au)

Hello! Author here. I currently do not know how to make the synopsis of the fanfic so I'll just put a part of the story. Hi! I'm Saul. I am die-hard fan of the novel solo leveling. I always had regarded it the best I had read. I was reading a manwha when I saw a silhouete of Sung jin-woo on the character. "Haha, time to go back to my personaly favorite novel, huh? Might as well read it incase I forgot anything about it." I mumbled, smiling with nostalgia. I read the novel again stopping at chapter 200 as my mom called me down stairs. "Saul! Get your lazy ass out your room and go buy some milk! We ran out of it." "Ok. Okay! Just stop shouting, mom." I said as I open my door and head down stairs. "Bye mom!" I shout as I leave the house. Little did I know it was my final good bye. As I was admiring the red spider lily photo on my screen, I heard a honk and I looked at the direction it came from. *Honk* I saw a truck carrying chickens a meter infront of me honked and I was shocked. I couldn't move, my body refused to listen as I feel freezing aura coming from the truck. 'Ah! my legs are stuck they won't listen to me! What is this pressure that's forcing me into an immovable state?!' I thought. "Cut!!! Cut! Okay thats enough. Now, interested? Read the rest of the chapters in the table of contents. Not here!" Although the title suggests that this is a solo leveling fan-fic this might end up in other stories like TBATE and they will always be siblings. Welp what can I do but just continue this story untill it may or may not progress lik what I have said.

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs