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  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_N7 days ago

    Yeah, so when does it cut to the point where Horizon is just listening in after Monoma told him that this meeting was happening with all the world leaders? Also why hasn’t he just sweeped the entire world to see how his parents are doing by now. Doesn’t he actually care about them to even call for a bit? No one would deny him that.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_N20 days ago

    Spoiler Author introduced piltover magic suppressing room that completely blocks magic from escaping the body. And apparently even the wielders of said magic can’t feel or study the energies inside of them. This technology is not secret from higher ups but somehow Silco does not have it. It completely averts the arcane disaster route that the author seems to be putting as the main climax of this story. There are a ton of other plot points introduced and left to rot like the one mentioned above. Arcs and things are talked about one chapter just to get time skipped the next. MC has some kind of edge out suffering every few chapters and it’s honestly brought upon himself. He does not learn or grow from any mistakes. The premise of the story had great potential, and the author could still salvage it. It’s gonna take a miracle though. Here are some ideas *Dude goes back to his roots and actuallly starts to master the arcane again *Black rose not sensing all the arcane things happening even though they clocked in super early in the show *Where is Singed and shimmer that Viktor relies on *Jinx inventions where *Zero jayce and viktor interaction when they are the only other ones who’ve studied the arcane *Please god no more time skips. If you introduce something new, even if it’s shitty, at least flesh it out and incorporate it into the story I do really like the story. But it took a terrible turn somewhere. The writing quality is really nice, but the plot progressions does not have much thought put into it.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_N20 days ago

    Did he even do anything physical in Ionia? I barely even remember because it seemed so insignificant. Surely during one of your thirty time skips he did some martial arts. I don’t expect him to win because he’s been rotting in prison for years and just got out. Also look at sylas man. I thought you were gonna go with that route but he isn’t even training magically anymore. At least he seems to not be releasing whatever built up arcane he’s accumulated. Dude should’ve had years to feel and study the shitshow going on in his body, but just couldn’t release it

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago
    Replied to Nguyen_er_N

    Also my bad, got lost in explaining why Luffy grows that fast. To justify his growth in 2.5 years, just blame genetics. Big mom was a threat from like 5 years old because she was an anomaly even among the giants. Luffy grows to be a big threat cus, one, genetics, and two raised by garp and shanks.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago
    Replied to tianshangshandian

    I assume you are mostly an anime watcher, but Luffy did not struggle against anyone until Katakuri. And even then, Luffy beat him out in every category except haki. And when his haki caught up, Luffy won. As for Kaido, he lacked infusion and awakening. Once Luffy, with ryuo, unlocked infusion, he stood on even grounds. Even without getting ganked by cp0, he would've died, which fulfills requirement for Nika fruit awakening which let him be one step ahead.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago

    If it's peak human potential, shouldn't it give them one piece character potential, not our peak potential? Like Zoro, Luffy, Sanji growth. I know Sanji is like human with part machine or something, but still.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago
    Replied to Xerotia

    It was an exaggeration. It takes an infinite amount of energy to move at the speed of light. and if you did the barest minimum of math, infinity multiplied by any mass is still infinity. You should do the smallest amount of reading before nitpicking. You look like an idiot

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago

    Reminder that once Sukuna was hit with UV, Gojo went for his lungs, heart, and next liver instead of his head because he wanted to bring him as close to death as possible in order to bring back Megumi. Losing his brain would've either forced Sukuna to take his original form (if he could do so without a brain), or just outright kill him and Megumi.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago

    Mahoraga's adaptation works continuously. You already know this, but even if it is no longer a threat, he will continue to adapt to handle it in more ways (Sukuna waited for mahoraga to fully adapt twice so he can copy something useful). Mc should be able to do the same, especially if he perceives Sukuna as a threat now. Also, reminder that there are ultimate techniques.

  • Nguyen_er_N
    Nguyen_er_Na year ago
    Replied to Mad_man13

    Do you even think when you type? Break continents when all there is in one piece so far are islands? The only instance of islands vanishing are buster calls or imu (one of the top antagonists in one piece). And speed is not really talked about in one piece, but let's look into a recent fight, (spoiler warning to those who haven't caught up yet), Shanks vs Kidd. Shanks future sight let him see 5-10 seconds into the future. He saw that Kidd destroyed a bunch of ships with his attack. He then rushed across the distance and attacked him right before Kidd could unleash his charges up cannon. Let's say Kidd is about half a mile away, Shanks covered that distance in 3-5 seconds (fast enough so Kidd could not fully charge and fire). That is 6-10 miles per second, which converts to 21,600-36,000 miles per hour. No where near the speed of light. Even Kizaru only says speed of light because that's his theme. The speed of light can cross Earth 7.5 times in one second. One piece is about 3x bigger than Earth (someone did the math). Kizaru would literally be moving around the world twice per second. Luffy cannot do that, yet he kept up with the dude's speed in a serious fight on Egghead. If an atom hit the Earth at the speed of light, it would literally destroy it.