


The end of a story is only the beginning of the next one. "Book devourer" is the best way to describe me...

2021-05-07 JoinedItaly



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  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    *embarrassed reply* I'm a bit busy with my studies in this period... I have 2 exams within the next few months and the stress generated by them is not small... sorry

    Ch 12 The last Sage
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1


    <I was thinking about settling down for a few days before departing once again… Meanwhile, I also wanted to learn more from the library and gather some materials from the Underground[1].>
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    A coincidence

    Cyril wasn't sure of what he expected to see after hearing the young mage mumble by himself how his master's tower was "a little weird". Regardless of the warning, he couldn't help but be somewhat stunned by the "unique" situation that presented itself in front of him.
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W

    Yes, I took the idea from that novel...

    - Excerpt from "Winds of Destiny: Regrets" by Poldi
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to WandererMonk

    oh, I got it... You're indeed right... it may not make sense to use precise units in descriptions... After all, it's impossible to let the readers visualize what I'm imagining... It's better to let their imagination fill the gaps As for the problems with the cave arcs, I've indeed felt like there is something wrong... Maybe because there isn't any real character? The conversations with the AI were as simple as I could make them and to be honest they make perfect sense to me but it may actually be like this because, after all, I'm the all-mighty and omniscient author... I will need to gather more feedbacks to pinpoint the problems and fix them... Anyway, thanks for the clarification, I think we can agree there is nothing better than understanding how to improve when writing a story

    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to WandererMonk

    Thanks for your honest opinion, I definitely appreciate it but more importantly I'm curious about the constructive critiques. First, the measurement units, can you please elaborate on it? I'm not sure where is the problem or how to fix it... Same for the feeling of a big dragging (This time I have no idea of that sentence's meaning) Can you elaborate a little so that I can understand how to improve? thanks

    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to DNaCat_W

    ...between the chapters so that does not interested can... -->...between the chapters so that those not interested can...

    Ch 11 Library of Viridi
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to WandererMonk

    Hm... Tbh, I was a bit perplexed about how to give him more screen time... After all, he is an important character for both the story development of this novel and another novel of mine that I've just started creating... The only problem is how to do so. At first, I thought that giving him a bit of space within a chapter when he met a major plot twist was enough… but doing so doesn't allow the readers to empathise much with him nor does it let the readers discover his background story…. So, I recently came to a possible solution. Maybe I can dedicate a whole chapter to him sometimes… Something like the short story in the auxiliary chapters that I've published 2 days ago… With the only difference being that rather than a short story I can make it a parallel story hidden between the chapters so that does not interested can directly skip it… Maybe I should also keep an auxiliary chapter as an index to let readers who skipped side stories find them easily

    Ch 11 Library of Viridi
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to WandererMonk

    He isn't tired of living...

    First of all, the natural energy became thicker as he descended, and for this reason, he decided to rise toward the surface.
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to WandererMonk

    Hehehe, glad you got confused. When a character says or thinks something, doubt should fill the reader's mind as questions like "Is this information true?" or "Is he saying what he/she truly thinks, or is he/she wearing a mask?"

    'It has already been so long… More than ten minutes… There is no way a Rank 6 spell can do something like this… Unless there is a time dilatation in the mix! But… Why? It makes no sense to use time dilatation on hundreds-year-old ascended… It's not like they will go insane even after a hundred years of doing nothing.'
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to WandererMonk

    Yep! This isn't the typical novel where the MC rises from nothing... It's more of a journey where we accompany the MC in his evolution while sightseeing the universe around him

    Ch 8 Dark age
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    Thanks for the feedback and don't worry, there is no harem in this novel (for the MC)... Also, this short story is indeed set during the breaking of the seal, and also on another continent...

    Ch -1 Short story - Alignment of the eclipse
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W

    3291 words… Basically, more than 2 chapters combined. I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway, what do you think about this side story? I thought it would have been an interesting idea to write something like this… after all, this world is way too huge to be described with the main chapters alone. This one was more of an experiment than anything else, I wanted to see if you enjoy side content as much as I do… Besides, would it have been better to split this "short" story into 2 chapters? Tell me freely anything passing through your mind so that I will improve in the future (Also, don't forget to drop a few power stones or share this awesome novel with your friends, I definitely appreciate both of those actions)

    Ch -1 Short story - Alignment of the eclipse
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    Well... wait to read humans' history on this planet, I won't say anything else or it would be considered as a spoiler...

    Picture of the NIB's owner: ... >
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    Ehm, you got it wrong, the NIB is something like an identity card, in this case, the owner is Cyril...

    Picture of the NIB's owner: ... >
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    Glad you liked it, I hope to keep updating it, the world-building that I've already prepared is truly massive and I'm just as excited as you to share it... (Next chapter is almost completed, I will publish it tomorrow)

    Ch 10 Crossing the gate of Viridi
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    exactly, it's not easy to become a dragon... In this universe, dragons are one of the most powerful races... Even those carrying a small trace of their bloodline aren't ordinary beings.

    Race: Newly created incomplete race - Position in lifeforms' hierarchy: Common race - Each member of this race will become a spiritual beast upon reaching adulthood. - No racial trait detected.
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    I like guesses like this one, and I won't confirm nor reject them, I hope other readers will share their opinion on the topic... It would be unfair on my part to ruin the fun of reading web novels🙃

    Is something like this even possible?'
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    Personally, I absolutely agree. Most of the time it's the journey that decides whether reaching your goal turns out to be a success or a failure

    Why? Every single time I resolve a problem, others pop up out of nowhere endlessly…'
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W
  • DNaCat_W
    Replied to Niedzwiedz1

    I'm glad you're curious... That is exactly why I won't explicitly reveal the reason for the MC's reaction. If you want to discover the reason, you will have to read between the lines of the future chapters, I hope you will enjoy it. (To be honest, it's not complicated, however, it's necessary to develop a basic understanding of the world-building)

    Ch 2 A failed experiment...
    Seeking the Pinnacle of Magic
    Fantasy · DNaCat_W