


I am the writter of the Tylingariea Epic and am a abstert artist who works from home and am on the austim spectram

2021-05-09 JoinedGlobal



of reading


Read books

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould3 years ago
    Replied to illiterateLilac

    thank you for the review and the advice i will make sure to go back and work on it.

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould3 years ago

    I want to preface this by saying I am a male and normaly do not read romaces nor have much inset to how they normally are written so this mostly opion I did not mind the story, It was intresting enough to hold my intrest and there were parts that with some more detail could bring more insight to charters and the commpond was intresting and would be good to know more about as well as the extant to her abiltys and how the vampires race is dying, are vampires a normal thing that is accpeted in this world or is there something else. But with that aside I will make sure to contue reading to see what happens next

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould3 years ago

    the chapter was good and may be these are explained later but I suggest that in the part that talks about Chirs and his wife and the trouble they had and why she does not want to be around him, You could expanded on that here and give a bit of insight to why he is acting this way. Also the part about her friends talking to her about how his behivar is chaning is good but should maybe also be expaned on like maybe they metchin that he is 30 and has a interest in a underaged girl with would make him a P { I do not fell comfedal writting the word. A person who enjoys being with unaged girls}

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould3 years ago
    Replied to min_jasmine

    your welcome

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould3 years ago

    This is a intersting story from what has been written so far. I am intrested in what will happen next. What I say is my opion and suguestion to help your book become better so please don't take it the wrong way Firstly for me, It was not scary. When I read Horror/Thiller books with are nomarly Steven King. I want to be right there with the MC expericing the horror and the diolage that is written now if given more details to the world and the backround to make me feel like i am there can work. The chapters that you repeated the same dilolage twice is a clever use of diloage and can be used if it is altered in such a way that it is from the other persons perpesive. In genreal this is a good book and has the potional to be a great horror book " If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot" Stephen King

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould4 years ago

    Of the chapters that I read the story is interesting backround and world building. the pace of the story is going at a good pace as for the Charcter Desions I think that if there was more despine to what they looked like and a more indepth look into there personaly would be intresting I will make sure the contue to read this to see what happens next

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould4 years ago

    might want to word that a bit diffrently because of Copyright

    This chapter has been deleted.
  • Brandongould
    Brandongould4 years ago

    Of the chapters that i have read so far I love this book, It has a unique blend of Lovecraftien creatures and fantasy in it, the writting is very good and is descipive enough to were you are fully imarised in the story and the pace of the book goes at a very good pace. the desion of the charters is very descipitve and I have enjoyed the book so far and will contue to read it to see what happens next

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould4 years ago
    Replied to Brian_Hanes_117

    thank you for clearing up the issues with my comments you have a deep understand of the Avater the last Airbender show

  • Brandongould
    Brandongould4 years ago

    Of the chapters that i have read the book is interesting and has unique character desions and the world is descired very well. the book is written very well and goes at a good pace I will be sure to contue reading this book to see what happans next

Arran Ember the last of the Dra'ghoul Bloodline

850 years have passed since Zargorwarths defeat and the Vermillion Empires sudden surge in power over the Multiverse. Victor Silvertounge the last of the Guardians of Light, stood overseeing the balance to ensure that it did not fall into the darkness. Victor could feel a change coming soon, the balance had been shifting and he did not know why but could sense that a Dra’ghoul was about to be born the first one since Draco Dra’ghoul Emma Silvertounge a Syeer far stronger than any other seen before while only at the young age of sixteen walked pieces of her crimson hair fell in front of her sea-blue eyes and her freckled checks “ Father, Who is Lupine Riddle ?” She asked Victor froze all time stood still, “ My child. Who told you about him? Victor said slowly his voice trembling with fear Emma replied “ No one I had a dream and his name popped into my head as did Angel born and Wolfkin. What do they mean?” Victor did not respond for a moment “ Tell me Emma did you see a Sword of Crimson Fire, a Spear of Golden Light, and an Ax with a wolf's head engraved on the hilt?” She nodded slowly Victor sighed “ I feared as much. One last question was there a child with a dragon tattoo on his right arm?” Emma nodded Victor refined from cursing “ my child it would seem that you are somehow linked with this new Dra’ghoul and those you saw in your vision. Do you know where he will be born?” Emma replied, “ Haven Valley his mother Ashi Ember was just pronounced pregnant.” Victor picked up his staff and said “ good then we will go and live in Haven Valley post haste.” Emma replied, “ but what about the balance?” Victor paused and said “ There is nothing I can do to prevent what will happen. The Balance will fall to darkness if I am here or not. Victor turned to Emma who was looking out at the ever-expanding Space-Time Contium the images of her vision burned into her mind never to leave. Victor placed a hand on her shoulder "We must leave post-haste the sooner we can get to the mother the better." Emma nodded before they left she went and packed a medium sized bag with cloths, a leather bond book named Tales of Tylingariea by Damion Vixen Dorima and secered a silver blaclet onto her right wrist with a loud click the braclet clamped around her wrist buzzing and turning a dark blue.. she picked up her bag and meet Victer in front of a massive green portal that lead to the Haven. Taking one last look back at the Bridge of Reality Emma walked into the portal and the Wheels of Destiny for her and others were set into motion

Brandongould · Fantasy
25 Chs