

2021-04-23 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • etrite
    etritea year ago

    I was first attracted to this book because of the drawing style. I enjoyed the main characters' love story. I do think there were a lot of side stories that were introduced but did not fully get developed. For example, I would love to hear more about the parents and their college life. There were also some scenes that I wish the author had put a warning about, just in case some people might not like the themes. Overall, I enjoyed the story!

  • etrite
    etrite2 years ago

    The art style originally attracted me to the comic. I think the happy, sad, and tense emotions are expresssed well in the characters. I enjoyed getting to know all of the characters, and they all felt very real, having traits that I liked and disliked. The story was well-paced and had all the tropes of a traditional romantic drama. If I were to make one suggestion, spending more time on the ending (maybe talking about what happened to non-main characters) would have been great, but it was still good as it is. I will be rereading this comic over and over!

  • etrite
    etrite2 years ago

    I loved how adorable the characters looked and how well-drawn the comic was. The main female lead has a lot of traits I admire: she's smart, thoughtful, pragmatic, and compassionate. The male lead was cool, too: he was funny, driven, and protective of people he cared about. The side characters were very nice additions and felt like they all played an important part of the story. I think the story was mostly well-paced and easy to follow. I do have two things that bothered me: 1) I wish there was more of the uncle and 2) I think the story ended too quickly. Overall, it was a great read.

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    I really liked the art, especially the animal characters. The humorous expressions of the characters did make me smile. Although the story was mostly well-paced (I thought the ending was abrupt), I didn't always like the decisions the characters made. It didn't feel like there was consistent growth. Overall, I liked the art but thought the story needed some changes.

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    I really like the art, both serious and cute moments. Both main characters are very well-written. I like how the female lead is both headstrong and empathetic. I like how the male lead is stoic and sensitive. The progression of the story, in my opinion, was well-paced until the ending, which I thought was too abrupt. Some story stuff (the relationship dynamic between the leads, how some characters departed the story) did bother me, but I wanted to see it through. Overall, I say I liked the story.

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    I liked the art, especially the nonsense shows at the end of the chapters. However, I found the story ("ending" especially) and the characters to be disappointing. The story started off strong but lost me towards the last third of the story. I liked the main leads most of the time. Regarding the supporting characters, there were some that I thought didn't have a big enough role and others that had too big of a role. Overall, the art was what kept me reading to the end.

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    I love the art and the drawings, especially with the chibi moments or any kid characters. I actually loved both of the leads as overall characters, and I liked most of the supporting characters. I appreciated that the male lead was respectful of his love interest (not forceful, aggressive, or overly possessive). Some plot stuff could've been explored more (with other charcters). Overall, I loved it!

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

  • etrite
    etrite3 years ago

    If the only reason people attend Coechella is to plot against celebrities, I may have to attend one day 😉 Joking aside, I am loving seeing these girls finally on the same page and wanting to work together!