of reading
Read books
ah yes, the old fruit loop fields.
world background doesnt exist, character design doesnt exist story development makes no sense. who even let this guy start writing? also theres no game element whatsoever, the supposed game he plays at the start also makes 0 sense as an "rpg"
so cliche smh. next were gonna see them in the competition and theyre gonna recognize him and gang up on him or want to fight him for her or something
can she just die off already? or can he go take her to a nest of grade 6 beasts and leave her there to get killed by them
and he claimed his character isnt western or eastern smh, thats an eastern thing smh.
wish i received a massage when i open anything to the 2nd page ;(
lightning aerial wings is a bad name, aerial and wings are basically the same thing, its like saying cold ice. like well ice is already cold though why bother saying cold ice? aerial wings, wings are used for flying so why add the aerial part?
pretty sure that would still fall under "earth" since metal/ores would be a sub category of earth
i honestly agree, like ive read worse where its unreadable, this guy although its shabby and has hundreds of writing errors its still mostly readable and doesnt make reading it impossible, and its consistently readable so im fine with it, but you should find someone to edit it and make it a bit more legible as itll make reading it a lot smoother and more immersive other than getting stuck on a sentence or word trying to make heads or tails of what its trying to say.