People who upload translations and promote their 7€ patreon but can't even proofread their own shitty translation should quit life. If you try to earn money, at least put in some work . You Dog
of reading
Read books
It is, the Raw is Game of Thrones: Descent of the Dragon. And maybe check the name of the author...
Tell me, were the things I said were false? I was one of the people who read the novel when it still had 3 chapters. I can't reread something if I know the start is straight ass the same goes if I know the later part is straight ass like 'The Beginning after the End' or 'Seven Deadly Sins'. If you wrote such nonsensical BS early on in the novel, you can't expect that people are going to stick through it because it could get 'better' in the future. Tell me which chapter is the first concert.
lazy ass way for the author to use plot armor in the future...
Shitty ahh Strategy, but too tired to explain it again...
bro didn't prove that he was worthy of that title until now.
Fun Fact: Amphibians have a special blood vessel system to use diffusion. There oxygen poor blood moves to the skin, there it diffuses O2 from the rich surrounding to the poor capillaries.
That's not really true. while you can make cutting for a spear more effective by making the stick sturdier/thicker to counter rigidity and make the stick oval, for example, to gain a bit of edge alignment or a superior Wing design to feel it better, it isn't going to be nearly as good as a halberd, naginata or glaive.
enjoy the paywall, boy.
it does still happen in real... North Africa has harems, Islamic countries near the east like Saudi Arabia and Iran have them, and even people in Europe have some kind of harem structure even if the term isn't used. There are people with semi open relationships in a closed circle, 3-/4-way relationships. I mean, term wise, if you have multiple women, it isn't automatically a Harem. A Harem is a structure for Islamic households that reserved the wives' spot within the Household