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More, thanks for the chapter ( mi inglés es malo xd )
really Maravilla and danmachi would be more entertained with mythology and how those of that world would react your fic is one of my favorites. Good fanfic 👍
villains are born out of life experience or just live a monotonous life long enough but when they stop being monotonous and break free. Usually a true villain is someone who has no empathy but enjoys playing with "toys". Most people think they are bad or have problems, but that is the pure human who is guided by instincts and desires who does what he wants because he couldn't before, that's why some villains seem to have so much freedom or nothing of regret. It is because they already do what they want and have everything they want to have. Why regret when you already did everything you wanted? (I really like your fic)
They did it again