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So I am going to assume that he reincarnated, because there are way too many hints when he is doing stuff : driving fast and his mental calm and joy while doing it; the fight; the whole darkside monolog and manipulation of people
what happened to the moth?
so this is Jenny /Janey
Then why is Wayne there? He is from the Steele family that has a Vice Dean
he is building a Mech/Robotic battleship. and you are of the opinion that he wouldn't need Computer Science, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering or Mathematics. using the board titles but hopefully you get my point.
technically he did. a lot of the things that struggles with later on shows that he should have cleared up those to be a better balanced designer.
ok, I am going to have to assume that there is a mistake in the her name by the use of Mrs. Kara instead of Ms. Kara. Or maybe he just stuck in his fantasy world and can't think of anything else
this may be an odd question: If he has had this ability the whole time, why did he not use it on the crashed helicopter airplane? He probably would have gotten a few good components out of it and the fire would have probably been put out a while back
6 str, 4 agi, 5 sta would have been better or 3 health, 6 str, 4 aging, and 2 sta. having 3 stats at 30
just saying he should have leveled up at least 1 or two (maybe) times outside the village. And we don't know what the system message he got was for outside the village because he never checked it. so it could have been a upgrade to a skill or stat, new skill , etc. we will probably never know