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Even I don’t read and I don't like male lead genre stories, except mystery haha. Including fantasy but this one is so great for me. Thank you to this author for his hard work❤❤❤ Keep it up ❤❤❤ Update more chapters please ❤❤❤ I hope to see the end of the story soon. I can't wait to read the ending!
It's good story. I'm looking for the ending of this story. Keep it up! Please update it more
So interesting!
I love this story so much. Please add more chapters. I can't wait it. This comic is very interesting. I can't stop to read this comic. I love it.
Hai, Kak Zana! Semangat updatenya! Ceritsnya seru. Ceritanyaa Joon kocak dan menghibur buatku. Aku tunggu, ya, upnya selanjutnya! Semangat dari kaum2 pembaca yang need more!
Congrats for the author!
Masama, Author. Semangat, Author, nulisnya
Lagi-lagi dibuat takjub sama novel Romansa Universe. Bingung mau cela apanya, karena sangat bagus, menurutku. Penuturannya bagus, halus, dan ringan. Bahasanya mudah dimengerti. Penokohan dan latar belakangnya kuat. Recommended banget nih novel
Ceritanya bagus. Aku jadi kebawa perasaan pas bacanya. Penuturannya ringan, gaya bahasanya asik. Sedih, ih! Kasihan, Dika! Nextnya gmn ya? Gak tau mau komen apa lagi.